No doubt Fe would find out, too. Maybe she should move back to her flat before that happened.

Sleep wasn’t going to come, but she didn’t want to risk waking her sister by going downstairs. The light on her phone filling the room pulled her gaze from outside. Halle’s name filled her screen.


Can we talk?

Puffing out a breath, Lydia hit the call button. They might as well get it out of the way. “Hi.”

“Hey, sorry it’s late.” Halle’s voice was soft.

“I couldn’t sleep, anyway. Look, I just want to apologise again—”

“You don’t have to. I’m sorry I sort of froze.”

“As if you’re apologising,” Lydia chuckled. “You had every right to be shocked. It was totally out of line. All I can say is I’d had a strange 24 hours, and it messed with my judgement.”

“So, you didn’t want to kiss me?”

“No! I mean yes, at the time, but I know it was out of line.”

“Why was it?”

Okay, the conversation was steering off track and Lydia didn’t know where it was going. Did Halle like the kiss? “Um…because.”

“Can we meet up? Tomorrow evening? I still have the curry I made. We could talk.”

“I have work until six.” Lydia neglected to mention the appointment with the anaesthetist first thing in the morning in case Halle offered to come along.

“That’s fine. Please, Lydia?”

“Alright. I-I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Great. Night.”

“Yeah, night.”

Not how she thought the day would end! However, that ball of anxiety had unfurled, and sleep was calling. Monty kicked his legs out a few times to get in an optimal snoozing position. Curling her arm around his little body, Lydia pulled Monty closer. Fully aware she had his danger zone close to her face. “Don’t fart, buddy,” she mumbled.

Closing her eyes, she let the conversation percolate. Halle’s tone was hard to decipher over the phone. She hadn’t sounded upset or mad. But she didn’t convey happiness or joy, either? Did she like the kiss? Did she hate it and swallow a tube of toothpaste after Lydia’d run away? What was there to talk about?

“This is why I should be a hermit in the woods with animals as my only companions.” Monty snored loudly, making his furry butt vibrate. “At least one of us is content,” she sighed.

Chapter 11

“There’s nothing in your blood work that is cause for concern regarding the surgery. Although, your blood alcohol level was—”

“Sorry about that,” Lydia blushed. “I’d had a drink the night before. But that’s not usual for me.” Sure, I bet he hears that all the time.

“Okay, well then, I just need to take your height and weight and I think that will be all.”

Great, standing on a scale in front of Mr. Fitness was going to be fun. Why couldn’t the anaesthetist be a little chubby or something? That wasn’t a nice thing to think. Lydia chastised herself. She needed to stop feeling so shitty about her weight. The thought crossed her mind now and then to seek professional help. Looking in the mirror and hating what it reflected wasn’t a healthy way to live.

Stepping on to the scales, Lydia forced herself to look at the number. Not too bad but could be better. Next, she stood while the doctor measured her. Yep, still short!

“Okay, Ms. Archer, I think we’re done here. Remember to fast after seven o’clock the night before. Only consume water.”

“Great. Thanks, I guess I’ll see you in a few days.”