“I understand. You can be yourself with him.”

“Yes. When we went to the pub the other night, a couple of guys flirted with me. I innocently flirted back because I just can’t stop myself. And do you know how Harrison reacted?”


“He didn’t. He read his book while these guys talked to me. One of them asked for my number, I said no. They left and Harrison simply kissed my cheek. It totally threw me. I’m used to guys getting all heated up about it. Later that night, I asked him why he didn’t care that I flirted with other guys, and he said there was no need to get upset. He knew I was going home with him, and he couldn’t blame men for wanting to try their luck. He’s so comfortable with his feelings, and so sure of them toward me.”


“I know! Anyway, we’ve got off the reason you’re here.”

“No, I like this, talking about each other’s lives. I sometimes worry all I ever do is whine about my health issues. You know you can come to me, right?”

“Of course I do. But friendship is a balance. Sometimes one needs more than the other. You’ve really gone through it with that arsehole doctor buggering you about. I can’t even imagine how hard it’s been, so I’m more than happy to focus on you for a while. You’ve got your surgery soon?”

“Yes, next week. Halle and Fe both said they’d come with me. I’m not feeling that anymore.”

“Say no more. I’ll be there.”

“What do I say to Fe? She’s got enough worries herself with the divorce. If I tell her not to come to the hospital, she’s going to ask why. I swear she’s a human lie detector. I’ll crumble, tell her I snogged her bestie and then she’ll hit the roof.”

“Well, if she’s got that much on, she might be thankful. Just don’t mention anything. As for Halle, I think she’s smart enough to know you’ll need some space.”

“Ugh, I’ve made such a mess.”

“Oh stop. No, you haven’t. It’s about time you did something spontaneous.”


“It’s true. You have been consumed with doctor visits and feeling awful most of the time, and we both know it. Why not get a little silly and make some mistakes? At least you’re living.”

“I suppose.”

“How did you leave it with Nurse Hottie?”

“I left it. After last night, I couldn’t see her again. Not romantically anyway.”

“Shame. Ah, well, you’ll just need to charge your vibrator.”


Cackling, Cathy playfully punched Lydia on the arm. “Oh sweetie, you’ve got to lighten up. Hopefully, soon Dr. What’s-her-face will give you some magic pills or something and you’ll be feeling tons better. Then you can get yourself out there again.”

“Or I can concentrate on myself. Maybe it’s time I looked at moving.”

“You love your flat.”

“I do. Maybe I’m just looking for a change.”

“Fair enough. Just think of all the money you’ll save not having to go to the doctor’s every fart’s end.”

“Charming,” Lydia giggled.

They spent a couple of hours gossiping, which included Cathy sharing far too much information about Harrison. Overall, the evening turned out to be pretty great, even if Lydia would have to face the consequences of her earlier faux pas at some point.

Fe was already settled in her room by the time Lydia finally made it back. Sneaking into the triplets’ room, she gave them a quick kiss and headed for bed. Monty sat dutifully waiting on the bed next to her pillow. “Hey, buddy. Sorry I’ve not been around much recently. I promise that’s going to change.” Monty licked her ear before scooching his body under the covers.

Choosing to leave the blinds open, Lydia stared out of the window. The moon was large and bright, casting an eerie glow over the world. No matter what Cathy said, Lydia felt awful for kissing Halle. She’d hate it if someone forced themselves on her, and now she’d have to apologise again, and things would be awkward.