“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Come on, Halle, I know something is up. Have you fallen out with Fe again? What’s with all the secret looks? Has she said something? Is it Clark? Is Fe ill?”

“Whoa, slow down. Blimey, Fe’s fine. The kids are fine. We haven’t fallen out again.”

“Then what?”

“I was just feeling down lately, is all.”

“Why didn’t you say something?”

“You’ve got enough going on.”

“Friendship doesn’t work like that!” Lydia turned to face Halle head on. “If you want us to be friends, you have to treat me like one. I want to support you too. That’s how it is, right?”

“Yeah, okay. Sorry.”

Lydia wasn’t convinced Halle was being completely truthful, but it’s not like she could pin her down and force a confession. An image of Halle pinned to the bed was unhelpful, but there it was, filling Lydia’s mind. A small shiver ran across her skin.

“Are you cold?” Halle’s voice seemed closer than before. Refocusing her gaze, Lydia saw Halle had indeed closed the gap between them ever so slightly.

Now, if a court of law asked her what the bloody hell happened next, Lydia would claim temporary insanity. It was the only way to explain why Lydia leaned in and took Halle’s lips with her own. The kiss was brief and delicious. That’s until Lydia came to her senses and pulled back so fast, she almost gave herself whiplash.

“Oh, shit. Halle, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I just did that.” Halle remained silent, her eyes wide, staring at Lydia. “Please, forget I did that.”


“I should go. Clearly having some hormonal issues or some sort of breakdown over here. I really am sorry. I’m a mess.” Lydia was off the sofa and out the door in seconds. Humiliated and mortified, she walked at a breakneck pace until she reached Cathy’s door, 25 minutes later.

Pressing the buzzer to Cathy’s flat repeatedly, Lydia cursed her own stupidity. “Hello?”

“Cathy, it’s Lydia.”

The door clicked open seconds later. Cathy stood in the hall, waiting. Lydia noted the silk nightie and smacked herself in the head. She’d interrupted Cath and Harrison. “Crap, I’m sorry Cath, I’ll call tomorrow.” She was just about to walk back in the direction she came when Cathy’s hand yanked her inside.

“Don’t be dense. Are you okay?”

Laughing hysterically and clearly causing alarm, Lydia dropped to Cathy’s sofa. “No, I’m not okay. It seems I’ve lost my fucking mind.”

“Cat, are you coming back to bed?” Harrison’s appearance wasn’t a shock. The whipped cream on his nipples was. “Oh, hey Lydia.”


“Babe, I’m going to be a little while. Why don’t you grab a shower and head to the pub?”

“No!” Lydia protested. “I didn’t mean to—”


“Sure, no probs.”


“Stop. Lydia, this is the first time since we met you’ve turned up at my door. I’m here for you, and Harrison knows that. Now, want to fill me in on the crisis.”

“I kissed Halle!”

“I sense this conversation might need wine.” Dropping her head to her hands, Lydia groaned while she waited for Cathy to return with an enormous glass of red wine. “Here, get this down your neck.”