“She did. We went to a restaurant. It was lovely.”

“Sounds like it. Bloody hell, Lyds, a bit more enthusiasm would be nice.”

Cathy had a point. Lydia had been on top of the world yesterday morning. Having her libido back was something to celebrate, and she had, with Zoe multiple times. But now, as she opened up to Cathy, Lydia realised the exchange between Fe and Halle yesterday was playing on her mind. Taking away the joy she’d felt hours before. “There’s something going on with Fe and Halle.”

“Um, okay. That’s an interesting change of subject.”

“That’s the thing. It’s not. Not really. I can’t make head nor tail of it. When I got back from Zoe’s yesterday morning—yes, I stayed the night—Fe was acting weird. Like she didn’t want Halle to overhear our conversation about my date, even though I’ve spoken to them both about this kind of thing before. And then Halle came in and there was this odd look passed between them. With their fight, and now this, I’m worried. Oh, and before Halle came into the room, I’m sure Fe was about to tell me something.”

“Well, did you ask Fe about it?”

“No, I left to change. Fe was busy calling her lawyer by the time I came back down, and Halle was back to her usual self. Maybe I’m reading too much into it. I don’t know what’s going on in Halle’s life. Fe’s stressed too.”

“It could be nothing. If it’s bothering you, find some time to talk to them. Halle wants a friendship with you, outside of the one she has with Fe. Well, friends talk.”

“Hmm.” Lydia’s gut feeling was shooting out warning flares. There was something going on with Halle and her sister, and Lydia felt sure it was big. Did she want to involve herself? Was that a super selfish thing to think? After all, Fe, and Halle were stepping up to support Lydia through her health issues. If they had stuff going on, surely Lydia should return the favour?

“Okay, okay, enough of the drama. Tell me about the sex with Nurse Hottie.”

* * *

Saturday had taken far too long to arrive. Sexy text messages just weren’t cutting it anymore. Lydia’s sex drive was through the roof. A rarity in itself, and Lydia didn’t want to miss out on a second.

Zoe was the master of sexting. Lydia not so much, but she gave it a valiant effort. Although she doubted Zoe blushed as hard as she did when reading said messages. Lydia had stopped opening them when around others. Because controlling her reaction proved impossible.

Zoe had chosen another fancy restaurant for their second date. Dressed to the nines, Lydia felt confident she looked good. Hopefully, good enough to eat.

Of course, Zoe looked phenomenal. Lydia began to think it was the nurse’s standard look, regardless of vicinity or occasion. “You look great,” Lydia commented as she reached their table. Only five minutes late this time.

“As do you! Drink?”

“Yes, please.”

Zoe signaled the server. Lydia took a few seconds to calm her nerves. Silly, really, considering the positions Zoe had her in the other night. It’s not like Lydia had anything Zoe hadn’t already seen. But then again, sex was the simple part.

Falling into bed with someone didn’t make a relationship. Neither did the quality of the sex. Yeah, it was important, but Lydia had learned the hard way that there were a million other things far more critical to a healthy relationship than shagging.

Unfortunately, most of her ex-partners didn’t share her opinion. As usual, she reflected on those failed relationships. Was she asking too much of a person? Why should they wait around for Lydia, when there were millions of people out there ready to have sex 24/7?

“Earth to Lydia.”

“Hmm, what?”

“You zone out a lot, don’t you?” At least Zoe was smiling.

“Sorry. Yeah, I get in my head sometimes.”

“Something you want to talk about?”

“Nope. Let’s have some fun.”

No sooner had the words left her mouth than Lydia caught sight of Halle at the bar. And she wasn’t alone. The striking blonde, who looked like a Victoria’s Secret model, looked comfortable on her arm.

Something akin to heartburn rose in Lydia’s chest. Her hope that Halle wouldn’t spot her fell to the wayside before she’d even finished the thought. There was a second of surprise on Halle’s face, then something else as her gaze tracked across the table to Zoe.

They continued to look at each other awkwardly for a few seconds before Lydia waved Halle over. Why were they being weird? It’s not like they hadn’t seen each other on dates before. “Halle, hi.”

“Lydia.” Halle greeted, kissing her cheek. “And you must be Zoe?”