There was no stopping her legs from giving way after that. Slumping to the floor, Lydia lazily opened her eyes. Zoe sat on her haunches, licking her lips. A few seconds passed, and it was clear Zoe was getting ready to go again. The woman hadn’t shed one item of clothing yet. “You need to be naked,” Lydia panted.

With swift ease, Zoe rose and stripped. “My pleasure. Let’s go to my room. I have plans for you.”

With no desire to stay on the hard floor, Lydia scrambled to her feet. Zoe pulled her down the short hall and practically pushed her onto the bed. “Can I touch you?” Lydia was desperate to get her hands on Zoe’s body.

“Yes. But not yet. Do you like straps?”

Well, that was a surprise. Lydia rarely enjoyed playing with toys until she started dating someone seriously. It was a comfort thing, but Zoe’s energy gave Lydia the courage to give it a whirl. “Yes, I do.” Some of the best sex she’s ever had was with a strap. Mary, her ex, had been extremely gifted when it came to wielding her silicone appendage. Unfortunately, since having problems down there, Lydia sometimes found penetration painful. Not every time. But she wouldn’t know until she gave it a shot.

“Excellent. On all fours. Hold on to the headboard.”

“You won’t need lube,” Lydia muttered, already feeling herself dripping with excitement. She’d meant to say it quietly as an offhand comment, but the wide smile on Zoe’s face said she’d heard.

Crawling onto her hands and knees, Lydia glanced over her shoulder. Zoe was already in the harness, attaching the toy. It was big and oddly shaped. A sliver of panic fluttered in Lydia’s tummy. It had been a while since she’d had anything that size in her. Please don’t hurt.

“I’ll go slow. Don’t worry.” The fact that Zoe could read Lydia so well already was a tremendous comfort, and a bigger turn on. Communication was key, whether that was in a relationship or just in the bedroom.

“It’s been a while for me.”

“Would you prefer to wait? I really don’t mind.” Zoe paused.

Weighing up her options, Lydia steeled herself. Yes, the toy was big, but it really turned her on. Looking at Zoe standing with it between her legs was something else. The woman was sex on a stick and Lydia needed her.

“I want you inside me.”

Stroking the toy, Zoe approached slowly. Her eyes lasered on Lydia’s waiting sex. Another two strides and she was behind her, gripping Lydia’s hips. “Christ, you are stunning. I want to fuck you into next week.”

“Do it then.” Lydia’s tone was impatient. Her head dropped to the mattress, exposing her pussy more. “I need it.”

The first thrust was gentle. Still, it took Lydia a few seconds to adjust. Zoe’s constant stream of dirty talk helped her relax. It wasn’t physically possible for Lydia to get any more excited. “Faster.”

Zoe picked up her pace, driving the toy deeper. This was the most erotic and fun sex Lydia had ever experienced. Zoe was so sure of herself, so sure of knowing how to please her. “Oh shit, I’m going to come,” Zoe announced. Lydia was so lost in euphoria, she couldn’t answer. The sound of Zoe’s hips chaotically slapping into Lydia’s backside demonstrated how close Zoe was.

“Oh. My. God!” Lydia cried into the pillow as Zoe screamed her own orgasm into the room.

Dropping to her stomach, Lydia felt her whole body turn to jelly. She wasn’t going to be walking anytime soon.

* * *

The smell of bacon hit Lydia’s olfactory senses with a vengeance. If her body didn’t ache so much, she would have sprung out of Zoe’s bed to chase said bacon. Alas, her legs were still jellified, and her abs were on fire.

“Good morning, sexy.” Lydia’s eyes flew open, immediately settling on Zoe, who leaned against the doorframe. With coffee in one hand and what looked like a bacon sandwich on a plate in the other.

“Mornin,” Lydia mumbled. “Something smells good.”

“That would be your breakfast. Ready for some fuel?”

Dragging her body into an upright position, Lydia felt herself come alive. Maybe it was the smell of caffeine, or maybe it was Zoe Bell in lingerie ready to serve her food. Whichever was the cause, Lydia was happy to be wide awake.

“I could get used to this.”

“And I like the sound of that.” Zoe perched on the bed next to a sleep-ruffled Lydia. “Would you want to do this again? Go on a date, I mean?”

Chewing as fast as she could, Lydia nodded through her mouth full of bacon. Finally, at an acceptable size to swallow, Lydia was free to answer with words. “That would be great. I think last night went well.” Instantly, her face heated. She hadn’t meant the sex part, although that had gone exceptionally in her opinion. Zoe was nice to be around. It was as simple as that. And Lydia was ready for someone nice. Hopefully, someone who would stick around.

“How about this weekend?”

“I have work on Saturday, but I’ll be finished by six.”