“He’s a little cutie.” Ah, Monty’s charm wins over another unsuspecting human. “I’ve never seen a dog with such pretty eyes. Is that weird to say?” The driver was a big burly guy with a heavy London accent.

“Not at all. Everyone always comments on them.”

“Where to then, love?” Supplying the driver with Fe’s address, Lydia blew some hair out of her face. She was feeling all hot and bothered after rushing around like her arse was on fire. Monty wasn’t as flustered. He sat silently, looking out the window as the world rushed by.

Twenty minutes later, Lydia paid and thanked the cabbie. Monty shot off towards Fe, who was already at the door waiting. Lydia watched on as her sister made cooing noises at her little man.

Setting her bag on the floor, Lydia scooped Fe into her arms. “I’m here. Let it out.” Fe didn’t need telling twice. Lydia felt her top become damp with tears. Only the triplets’ screams pulled them from their embrace. Lydia looked over her shoulder to see what the ruckus was about. Halle had Jack and Jenny hanging off her belt buckle, pleading for ice cream. Joey simply stomped his protest at the door.

“Kids,” Fe barked. “Knock it off.”

“How was the park, niblets?” Giving Halle a quick smile, Lydia wrangled the children away from Fe and into their playroom. “Did you have fun?”

“Yeah, but we wanted ice cream. Aunty Halle said we had to wait until after dinner.”

“Those are the rules, you know that,” Halle called from the hallway.

“Rules are stupid,” Jenny protested.

“That might be so, but you guys need to stop throwing strops every time you don’t like what you’re told.” Lydia understood they were reacting to the tension and stress in the house. That’s why she was determined to stay as long as possible to help them all get through the tough times ahead. “How about you watch TV for a while? If you’re good from now until dinnertime, I’ll order Chinese.”

“Yes!” Jack shouted, pumping his fist. The three terrors ran as fast as their little legs could take them. One crisis down.

“You can’t keep bribing them,” Fe said, deflated from the kitchen island. Halle had the kettle boiling, ready to make everyone a cup of tea.

“I can and will,” Lydia stated. “They’re happy for now, which gives us time to talk and come up with a plan. Oh, and I’m staying with you for a while.”

“Lydia, you don’t nee—”

“It’s happening, Fe. Now, tell me exactly what was said.”

Lydia listened intently as Fe recalled her conversation. Clark was sleeping with his secretary, who was almost 20 years his junior. He’d told Fe this Janey was in love with him. Apparently, he still loved Fe, but felt he had to give a relationship with Janey a real chance. He was happy for the kids to stay with Fe in the family home. How chivalrous of him.

“I think he’s having a midlife crisis,” Halle chimed in. “Clark’s 40 this year and is suddenly feeling it. I’m telling you. Give it a few months and he’ll come crawling back.”

“I don’t want him to come crawling back,” Fe hiccupped.

“What do you want?” Lydia could see the conflict in her sister’s eyes. She was sad and hurt, but Fe was also livid.

“I’m going to file for a divorce.”

“Wow, really?” Halle’s eyebrows were almost in her hair.

“Yes. I’m not hanging around while he decides if he wants this family. If Clark wants to shack up with this Janey, then she can have him. The kids need structure and safety.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to think about it a little more?” The last thing Fe should do—in Lydia’s opinion—was make decisions based on how she was feeling at this moment.

“I’m positive. I’ve known for a while something was seriously wrong. I think I just needed him to tell me. I deserve better. The kids do, too.”

“I’ll support whatever you want to do.”

“For now, I want to have a glass of wine, eat too much food, and try to enjoy an evening with my kids and two best friends.”

“Now that we can do,” Halle piped up. “I’ll order the food. Fe, go give the kids a kiss. They’re freaking out, and Lyds, do you want to pour the drinks? I don’t think tea is going to cut it.”

“On it,” Lydia chirped. She’d just finished pouring the second glass of wine when it hit her. Lydia had a date with Nurse Hottie tonight! Shit, she’d completely spaced. “Crap, crap, crap.”

“That’s an awful amount of craps,” Halle laughed. “Did you spill?”