Overcome with fatigue and hurt, Lydia let Halle steer her towards the little mini. This was the last time she would let Halle or anyone else help.

Chapter 7

Lydia jabbed the reject button on her phone for the third time. Fe was persistent, but Lydia was pissed. Fe could stew for a while longer. Halle’s silence for the entire journey to Lydia’s place was wholly unpleasant.

“Just drop me off, thanks.” Lydia wanted to be alone, and knowing Halle, she would try to walk her to the door. As sweet as that was, Lydia didn’t need it right now.

“I’ll walk you to—”

“No, really, it’s fine. You should go back to Fe’s and talk to her.”

“Aren’t you going to tell me what upset you so much?”

“No, not tonight. I’d just like to be alone.”

Lydia saw Halle fighting herself, wanting to argue. Thankfully, Halle didn’t push any farther. Giving a tight smile, Lydia bid her a good night and left the car.

Monty was by her side the moment she stepped through the door. “Hey, buddy.” God, she wished he could talk. Lydia wouldn’t need another living soul then. No one to make her feel bad. No one to care about. “It would be great, Monty. Don’t you think? Just me and you, against the world.”

The little pooch cocked his head to one side, listening to Lydia ramble on. Lydia’s phone buzzed again. Scoffing as she read the name, there was little choice but to answer. “Hi, Mum.” That was a low blow on Fe’s part. Using their mother to get Lydia to talk. Another red mark against her sister.

“Fe called, love.”

“I’m truly shocked,” Lydia deadpanned. This was Fe all over. Say something hurtful and then when Lydia needed space to cool off, Fe would push to be forgiven, and if that didn’t work, call in the big guns. Lydia could never ignore her mum.

“No need to be like that. I’m just ringing to check up on you.”

“Sorry, Mum. I’m fine, just tired, so I plan to have an early night.”

“Fe told me what she said.” Well, that was a surprise. Fe didn’t normally admit any fault. “She knows what she said was wrong, love. Can you call her?”

“I appreciate she’s sorry, Mum, but I just need a little space? We’re both going through something and clearly need to deal with those things in our own way.”


“Mum, please.”

“All right, all right. I’ll leave it. But, honey, please don’t leave it too long.”

Gritting her teeth, Lydia took a silent breath. There was no point arguing. Fe would always get the benefit of the doubt where their mum was concerned. “Thanks for calling, Mum. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

Throwing the phone down, Lydia headed for the kitchen and the bottle of wine in the cupboard. Screw it. She needed a drink. Sure, the alcohol might exacerbate her cramps and pain, but, so what, Lydia was already hurting.

The bottle of Merlot disappeared, leaving Lydia hungover and regretting every decision she ever made the next morning. Dragging herself to the bus stop was the icing on the cake. It was freezing cold and icy underfoot. Well, I’m going to the doctor’s, so at least I’ll be in the right place if I fall. That really was the extent of Lydia’s current brain function.

Lydia took a cursory glance at her phone. She was solely relying on Google Maps to get her to her appointment on time. Dr. Maynard had contacted a good friend of hers and got Lydia registered at his practice. She really had a lot to thank Halle for.

Stepping off the bus, Lydia cursed her stupidity. A bottle of wine on an almost empty stomach was a rookie move. Quelling her nausea the best she could, Lydia forced herself to walk. In reality, she would give her left boob for a bed and a weighted blanket right now.

The building which housed her new doctor was set in a Victorian townhouse. The setting imparted a sense of homey comfort, a stark contrast to the sterility of Dr. Watson’s.

The waiting room was relatively busy. Heading to the reception desk, Lydia felt that usual pang of nerves. “Hi, Lydia Archer, here for a blood test.”

“Good morning,” the young receptionist replied. His hair was gelled within an inch of its life. “Take a seat and the nurse will be with you soon.”

Her bum had only just touched the padded fabric of the waiting room chair when a gorgeous woman in blue scrubs stepped out of a door next to the reception desk. “Lydia Archer?”

If it was appropriate, Lydia would have given the nurse a low whistle. Holy cow, she was stunning. Long dark hair tied up in a high ponytail. Golden eyes that sparkled. Okay, they didn’t really sparkle, but Lydia was in that place between reality and fantasy as she looked on.