The table fell silent, and Lydia was beginning to feel uncomfortable. “How was your day, Halle?”

“Fine, thanks. I had a tough session with Ben today.” Halle’d told Lydia about Ben during their film night. He was a 13-year-old who was the victim of a hit and run. The incident left the young boy with only one leg.

“Oh no. What happened?”

“Who’s Ben?” Cathy asked. Halle filled the rest of the table in.

“My heart just aches for him. He’s the hardest working patient I think I’ve ever had. He’s so determined to get back to a normal life. Well, as normal as possible. I see him wince every time I have to push him a little. Usually, I can handle it. It’s for the patient’s benefit, but with Ben. Ah, I hate it.”

“He’s a brave boy. And I’m sure he knows you’re there to help him.”

“Oh, he does. He gives it his all every session. Today, he had to walk on his new prosthetic. He fell halfway, but he wasn’t put off. He got right back up and tried again. That kid is an inspiration. I say it was a tough session, but more for me emotionally than it was about Ben struggling.”

“Hey, if you ever need to talk. You know where I live.” Lydia gave Halle a small smile.

“That’s what her bestie is for, sis. Don’t worry, I’ve got her covered.”

“I know, I was—”

“Oh, Halle, I got you a date.” Fe’s change of subject completely threw Lydia.

“Why?” Halle shot.

“Why not? You don’t usually mind. Plus, Sally is lovely.”

“No, thanks.”

“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t you want to go out with an available, appropriate woman?”

“Guys, what’s going on?”

“Nothing’s going on, Lyds,” Fe replied sweetly.

“Nope, everything’s fine, Lyds.” Halle added.

“Uh-huh, sure.” Sinking the rest of her pint, Lydia left to place another order. If it was going to be like this for the rest of the evening, she’d rather just go home.

“What’s happening?” Cathy’s voice was low in Lydia’s ear.

“They’re clearly fighting. I’ve no idea what that was about.”

“It’s getting worse,” Harrison said, joining them at the bar. Lydia turned back to the table, only to find Halle and Fe in what seemed a heated discussion. Suddenly, Halle stood, grabbed her jacket that was hanging on the back of her chair, and walked out of the pub.

Casting a quick look at Fe, Lydia followed Halle. Foolishly, she did so without thinking of how fucking cold it was outside. “Jesus Christ.” Lydia hissed as icy air pelted her right in the mush. “H-Halle, hang on.” Bloody hell, Halle was already halfway up the street. “Halle!”

“Lydia, go back inside before you freeze.”

“Not until you tell me what that shit show was about.”

“It’s nothing, just Fe being Fe.”

“Well, that hardly narrows it down. Come on, we’re friends now, right?”

“Really, Lyds, leave it alone. We’ll work it out. We always do. Seriously, you need to go and sit back by the fire. You’re going blue.”

Lydia made another decision that she wasn’t sure was a good idea. “Will you wait here for me?”

“I’m going home, Lydia. It’s been a day.”