Twenty long minutes later, Lydia felt her abdomen relax. She still felt nauseous, but she hadn’t wretched in a while. Monty lay in the bathroom doorway, his caring eyes never leaving Lydia. “I’m good, buddy.” When she could finally leave the loo, Lydia hopped in the shower, trying to cool her fevered body.

With a pad in place, the only thing Lydia needed now was some sleep. Monty had made the executive decision to comfort Lydia for the rest of the night. Snuggling up to his warm little body, Lydia inhaled his scent. Even though the cramps were still there, the pain was manageable. Maybe she could go back to that lovely dream she was having before she woke to a living nightmare?

Lydia must have fallen asleep again at some point because the blaring of her alarm ripped her violently from slumber. She hated it when that happened. There was nothing worse than feeling discombobulated first thing in the morning.

Without thinking, she reached over and popped another two pills. Throwing the rest of the packet in her handbag for later. Her clothes would need to be swapped out for something looser. Lydia thought she had a couple of days still, so had opted for a form-fitting skirt. That wouldn’t be happening now, not when Lydia could physically see how swollen she was. Loose slacks and an oversized jumper it was then!

With her bowl of oats consumed, Lydia kissed Monty and slowly made her way to the street. Nothing on this earth would get her to move any faster today. Norris could moan all he wanted. Lydia had to take it easy. And then she remembered the old curmudgeon was off today, so that was a silver lining.

“Lyds, wait up, love.” Lydia stopped and unconsciously massaged her abdomen, hoping to give a little relief. She’d read that palpating just below the belly button was supposed to help with cramps. “Bloody hell, you look like shit.”

“Gee Cathy, thanks.”

“Sorry, but you do. Didn’t you sleep?”

“Not much.”

“Oh shit, it’s happening, isn’t it?”

Lydia couldn’t help but laugh at Cathy’s dramatics. “Yes, it’s happening.”

“Right, we have a good ten minutes before the bus turns up. Let’s nip into the corner shop and get some supplies.”

“What supplies?”

“We can get you small packets of nuts and some fruit for the breakroom. I read last night about eating things that will help with inflammation.”

“You read things?”

“Yeah. There are loads on the internet. Do you take Omega-3? What about magnesium supplements? It’s okay, we’ll make a list.”

Lydia let Cathy drag her to the corner shop, her friend jabbering away the entire time.

Chapter 5

Today could take a running jump as far as Lydia was concerned. Crippling fatigue had washed over her within the first two hours of her shift. Thank God Cathy was aware of the situation and swapped places with Lydia. It took everything she had to just sit at the information desk and talk to enquiring visitors.

When lunch time rolled around, Cathy became so concerned about Lydia’s pallor, she marched straight over to Norris—who had volunteered unnecessarily to work an extra shift, because he just enjoyed torturing his employees—and demanded he send Lydia home.

So, here she was curled up on her sofa with a surprised Monty by her feet. Embarrassment burned deep in her stomach. Lydia had always powered through. She’d never taken time off work, even though she probably should have. What must Norris think? Obviously, he didn’t know the true reason Lydia was incapable of functioning today. He probably thought what Cathy used to think. Lydia had come in after a night out on the lash. Groaning, Lydia buried her head deep into the sofa cushion.

The sun had disappeared a while ago, not that Lydia had taken advantage of it. Monty had nipped outside a couple of times, but even then, Lydia simply opened the door and shuffled back to the couch. Day one was always the worst, but this month was kicking her arse.

Surprisingly, the doorbell rang at seven. It couldn’t be Fe; she was at a parents’ evening. The thought brought a smile to Lydia’s face. Fe had been dreading it. Her terror triplets seemed hellbent on causing mayhem wherever they were, including school.

Had Cathy decided to pop round after work? That was a possibility. She was taking her “friend” status seriously. Since learning about Lydia’s condition, Cathy had been a pillar of support, sometimes invasively so. At one point in the morning, Lydia had to physically remove Cathy from the toilet stall she was trying to use. No moral support was needed to pee!

Rolling off the sofa, Lydia shuffled once more. “Hang on.” Whoever was on the other side had to be patient. Lydia was currently operating at whatever the opposite of warp speed was.

And whoever had come to visit had to be okay with Lydia looking like a bridge troll. She wore the baggiest jogging bottoms and largest t-shirt in her wardrobe. Fluffy slipper booties and a topknot that screamed, I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. No doubt her make-up was smudged too. Ah well, c’est la vie, right?

“Halle?” What the chuffing hell was Halle doing here? And how dare she look so good when Lydia looked like a trash fire?

“Hey, Lyds, up for a movie night?”


“I stopped in to see you this afternoon. Cathy told me they’d sent you home. I’m guessing the red devil has appeared.”