“Condescending as hell,” Halle finished.

“The next thing I know, Halle is barking at the doctor about some other doctor and I’m asking for my medical records. It was a bit nuts, to be honest.”

“What doctor?” Fe asked Halle.

“Elise Maynard.”

“Oh yeah, your older lover,” Fe teased.

“We went out a couple of times.” Halle rolled her eyes playfully. The thought of Halle with Elise felt uncomfortable, but Lydia buried that down. Elise was going to be her saviour, and nothing would impact that. Not even thoughts of Elise doing things to Halle, and those thoughts causing Lydia to cringe inside.

“The next thing I know, I’m being whisked off to see Elise,” Lydia continued, hoping her feelings would settle down.

“You got her an appointment with Elise?” Once again, Fe was talking to Halle with a weird look on her face.

“Yes, I did.”

After a pause, Fe turned to Lydia. “How did that go?”

“Great,” Lydia burst. “She did tests there and then. And I’m scheduled to have a minor procedure in three weeks to get a definitive diagnosis of endometriosis.”

“A procedure? What procedure?”

“It’s just a minor surgery done laparoscopically.”

“Surgery?” Fe’s voice was high pitched.

“Yes, surgery, but it’s no big deal.”

“I think you should take some time to think about this, Lyds.” Lydia could feel her frustration mount. She should have known Fe would have something to say.

“I’ve had three painful years to think about it.”

“I know but—”

“I don’t think you do know,” Halle butted in. “I don’t think any of us know what she’s been through, sweetie. This is her decision, and we are going to be there for her.”

Wow, Lydia was stunned. There weren’t many people in her life that stood up for her the way Halle did. Of course, Fe was one of those people, but Lydia never had a person help her battle Fe and her—sometimes overbearing—opinions.

“Of course I’ll be there for her.” Fe’s tone shifted to something softer. “Always, Lyds, you know that. Sorry, I just heard surgery and freaked.” Reaching over, Lydia grabbed Fe’s hand.

“This is long overdue, Fe. I need to get my life back.”

“And you will. Send me the details over and I’ll make sure I’m with you at the hospital.” Another pang of disappointment. Halle hadn’t offered to be with Lydia for the surgery, but she’d hoped that would be the case.

With details handed over, Lydia reluctantly left Fe and Halle to finish lunch. Dashing through the museum, Lydia made it with a few minutes to spare. As expected, Norris was hanging around, hoping he’d get the chance to tell her off for tardiness. Not today, Norris, you old windbag.

* * *

“I can’t believe you dragged me out on a school night.” It had taken little for Cathy to convince Lydia she needed to go to the pub after work.

“Oh pish. It was a long day, and we deserve a glass of wine.” Cathy was already on her second of the night.

“And we have another long day tomorrow. Starting early.”

“Bloody hell, Lyds. You know you’re the younger one here, right?”

“Doesn’t mean I’m irresponsible.”