When Lydia exited Elise’s office ten minutes later, she felt as if she were floating.

“Hey, how’d it go?” Halle sipped on her coffee, eyeing Lydia. Could she tell how happy she was? Surely, the stupid grin across her face gave it away.

“Elise is wonderful. Oh Halle, how can I ever repay you?”

“For what? Sticking my beak into your private business,” she laughed.

“Yes, that!” Lydia pointed. “Exactly that.”

“You can buy me a T.rex burger.”

“Deal. I’ll even throw in a milkshake.”

“Now you’re talking,” Halle laughed.

Chapter 4

“There you go, one large T.rex burger with extra gherkins, cheese, and bacon. And a large chocolate milkshake.” Lydia slid the behemoth burger towards Halle.

“Oh, come to mamma,” Halle whispered, licking her lips. Shaking her head laughing, Lydia picked up her fork and began picking at the chicken Caesar salad she’d opted for, even though her mind was screaming at her to dive into a big juicy burger, with fries, and onion rings, then followed by a big wedge of chocolate molten volcano cake.

By Lydia’s calculations, her period would start within the next two days. That left her just another 48 hours of insatiable hunger to endure. She’d done well this month, hardly giving in to her cravings. As disappointed as Lydia was not to have a delicious T.rex burger, she knew it was the right choice. Junk food made the pain so much worse, plus her skin just couldn’t cope. And nothing made Lydia feel shittier about herself than a face full of craters.

Fe often scoffed when Lydia tried to explain that food played a big part in pain and bloating. Her sister couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that sugar made cramps worse. As supporting as Fe was in so many aspects of Lydia’s life, she just didn’t understand. Lydia spent hours upon hours scouring the internet looking for things that could make her life a little better. The truth of the matter was Lydia had to sculpt her diet, even if that meant pissing family members off because she needed to eat something different.

“How’re you feeling about everything?” Halle’s question was almost unintelligible through a mouth full of food.

“Good, really good. Like, for the first time in years, I can see the end of the tunnel, if that makes sense.”

“Totally. It should never have gone on this long.” Halle looked in deep thought. Lydia continued to munch on her lettuce, observing her friend. They could call each other friends now, right? “Can I ask how much you paid to see the dickwad?”

“Oh, um… each appointment was quite expensive.”

“Okay, like, what are we talking? Fifty quid a session?”

“More like three hundred.”

Lydia bolted from the chair when Halle choked on the half-masticated burger still rolling around her mouth. Coughing and spluttering, Halle finally got herself under control after a few well-aimed smacks to the back from Lydia. “Lyds, you paid three hundred quid each time?”

“Yeah, I know it’s expensive, but that’s how it is going private. Dr. Watson is supposed to be a fantastic doctor, so I didn’t mind paying it.”

“But he’s a terrible doctor!”

“Well, I know that now, obviously. In the beginning, I just presumed he knew what he was doing. He’s the one with a medical degree.”

“And now?”


“He was scamming you, Lyds. Keeping you on the hook for the money. Jesus, I wonder how many other women are trying to get help and getting sweet fuck all, but still paying his obnoxious prices?”

“I-I didn’t think a doctor would do that.” But it was clear Halle was on to something. The only thing Dr. Watson got out of stringing Lydia along was more money.

“You could sue him.”

“I just want to feel better, Halle, that’s all.”

Halle was visibly annoyed. Lydia watched her knee bounce up and down. She watched as Halle ran a hand through her shaggy hair. “He shouldn’t get away with what he’s doing, Lyds.”