Page 101 of Broken Parts Included

Relishing in Halle’s pillowy delights for a few seconds later, Lydia finally moved back and up, resting her head on the pillow level with Halle’s face. It was a weird habit Lydia had in bed. For some unknown reason, she always ended up slipping down and off her pillow during the night.

“That clock is Satan,” Lydia mumbled, her voice still marred with sleep. A dream-filled sleep that left parts of her body feeling more than alert this morning.

“Why use it then?” Halle gently shifted a piece of hair from Lydia’s face, tucking it behind her ear.

“Mum bought it for me.”

“But she’s not here to see you use it, Lyds. Does she know how loud it is?”

“I doubt it. Maybe I should sneak it into her room and let her find out.”

“Oh, you’re grumpy. Poor baby.”

“I’m not grumpy,” Lydia pouted.

Halle smiled, leaning in, “It’s okay, I know how to turn that frown upside down.”

Monty’s scratching broke them apart before Halle could show Lydia all the ways to make her smile. “Shit, I need to let him out. I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time,” Halle smiled, watching intently as Lydia slid out of bed, searching for something to put on. Lydia could feel Halle’s gaze all over her, and God, if it didn’t make her shiver in delight.

Monty was not happy. He had a propensity to sulk when he didn’t receive his allotted amount of cuddle time. And yesterday, the poor little guy had almost none. Lydia and Halle stayed in bed for the entire afternoon and evening, only leaving the bedroom to use the bathroom, let Monty pee, and grab a few snacks.

“Sorry, buddy. Please don’t be mad.” Monty trotted off towards the back door without even a glance back. Lydia was in the shit. “I’ll cook you some bacon. You love bacon.”

“I’ll ask again. Does he ever respond?”

“Fuck, Halle. Who the hell moves without making a sound? That’s twice you’ve frightened the life out of me.”

“Um, in my defence, the first time you left the door open. And this time, it’s because of your super soft carpet. I assure you; I usually clunk around making all kinds of noise.”

“I might have to fit you with a bell or something.”

“Oh collars, interesting.”

“I didn’t mean like that.”

Monty’s irritated bark made Lydia wince. “Sorry, lad, off you go. I’ll start your breakfast.”

“No, I’ll do breakfast. We both know which one is the cook.”

“Halle, you don’t have to make my dog breakfast.”

“How about I cook it for all of us? Fry up sounds pretty good right now. I’m famished.”

“Okay, fine. Do you mind if I grab a shower? I’ve got a shift this afternoon, and I need to spend some time with mardy arse out there before he starts chewing my shoes or something in protest.”

“Go. I’ll sort his majesty out and play with him for a while.” The kiss Halle gave felt so natural, like they did it all the time. Waking up, making breakfast, looking after the fur child, etc. Very domesticated, and so comfortable.

Lydia mulled over those feelings as she showered and dressed. There was still plenty of time before she had to get to work, meaning there was still plenty of time to spend with Monty and Halle. If that’s what Halle wanted.

Crap, now that they’d slept together, what would Halle want? Was that it? She’d fulfilled a teenage dream. Got the girl, so to speak. So, would that be it for her? Would her interest wane now?

“You’re looking deep in thought? Are you alright?”

Lydia hadn’t realised she’d stopped outside the kitchen. Standing there just staring was obviously disconcerting to witness. Shaking her head to dislodge her train of thought, Lydia smiled. “All good. Is Monty still being a grump?”

“Nah, two bacon bits, and he got over it pretty quickly.”