“Um, I suppose I can ask.”

Halle nodded. “Are you working later?”

“Yeah, I took this morning off, but I need to go in after lunch.”

“We could have lunch together if you like. Depending how you feel. I could drop you off at work.”

Was Halle nervous? Lydia had never seen her like this before. “Sure, that would be nice. Could we eat at the museum?”

“Only if we eat at the T.rex restaurant.”

Lydia rolled her eyes. “You big kid. Sure, if that’s what you want.”

“Awesome. Right, shall we get this over and done with?”

Swallowing thickly, Lydia nodded. The drive from Starbucks to Watson Medical Practice flew by in the same heart-stopping manner as the drive to the café. Lydia wrangled her way out of the tiny car with immense difficulty, only to witness Halle rise out gracefully, her tall body towering over that of the car.

Dr. Watson's Medical Practice was state-of-the art. Lydia signed in via iPad as soon as she entered the reception. The receptionist, a buxom redhead, smiled sweetly. Mellow music played softly over hidden speakers. “Jesus is this a doctor’s or a spa?” Halle mumbled.

Sitting down, Lydia nodded. “Yeah, it’s a bit much.”

“Lydia Archer,” the receptionist called. “Dr. Watson will see you now.”

Drawing in a deep breath, Lydia prepared herself. Halle’s hand on her shoulder gave her a shot of confidence. Rising, Lydia made her way to the doctor’s office. No need for her to check if Halle was following. She could feel the support radiating off in waves as they walked down the corridor.

“Lydia,” Dr. Watson said, without taking his eyes off the computer screen on his desk.

“Dr. Watson. Um… I have a friend with me today.” That got the doctor’s attention.

“Oh, okay.” Clearing his throat, Dr. Watson gave her his full attention. Lydia saw Halle pull out a small notepad out of her bag. Flipping it open, she then popped a pen from her coat pocket. Halle looked at Lydia and winked. Dr. Watson took several seconds to compose himself. Halle’s presence had unnerved him for some reason. “So, what can I do for you today?”

Lydia had to stop herself from scoffing. He knew damn well what she was there for. “I’ve come to ask you for a referral. The pill you gave me isn’t working. Just as the others before.”

“Now, Lydia,” Dr. Watson replied in a condescending tone, causing Lydia to grit her teeth. “We’ve discussed this. I know you have a bit of pain and bloating, but we can manage that with pain pills until we find the correct birth control for you.”

“Wow,” Halle muttered loud enough to be heard. Dr. Watson’s gaze shot down to the pad Halle was feverishly writing on.

“I’ve told you how bad things get, doctor. I can’t keep going through this. It’s ruining my life.” Lydia felt the first tear fall. Dr. Watson looked wide-eyed from Lydia to Halle, who was shaking her head gently, taking more notes.

“Now don’t cry.” The doctor fumbled with a box of tissues, poking it towards Lydia. “Let’s just try one more pill. I don’t want to refer you unnecessarily.”

“Unnecessarily?” Halle echoed, her gaze firmly on the doctor. “Are you kidding?”

“I’d like a copy of my medical records please,” Lydia stuttered. “I think it’s time I got a second opinion.” It was an idle threat. There were no other doctors to talk to, no one was taking on new patients.

“That’s your prerogative, Lydia, but it’s unlikely you’ll find another doctor close by taking on—”

“Dr. Elise Maynard will take her on.” Halle’s eyes were locked on the doctor with fire burning in them. Who the hell was Dr. Elise Maynard?

“Dr. Maynard, really?” Dr. Watson was taken aback. Lydia wanted to scream out, “Who the fuck is Dr. Maynard?” but she didn’t. Instead, she watched the unfolding scene play out. Halle tucked the notepad back in her bag. Hoisted it over her shoulder and stood. “Lyds. I think you’re done here.”

“Um… okay.” Did Lydia enjoy being told what to do? No, not normally, but, hell, she’d be lying if she didn’t admit watching Halle get all defensive and sassy turned her the hell on. “Please let me know when I can collect my records.”

Lydia threw a quick wave over her shoulder at the perky receptionist before exiting the surgery behind Halle.

“Halle, wait up!” Approaching Nora, Halle began pacing from the front to the back bumper. Lydia stopped a few feet away, unsure what was happening. After a few more moments of frantic pacing, Halle stopped, turned to Lydia with wide eyes.

“Shit, oh crap, I’m sorry Lydia. I just full-on hijacked your doctor’s appointment. I swear that wasn’t my intention. I just got so worked up with how he spoke to you. I know I overstepped. Shit, I really overstepped. I’m so sorry.”