Chapter 1

Lydia smiled to herself. Now wasn’t a time to smile, but she couldn’t help it. She had correctly guessed Tim’s motivations, and even if those motivations sucked, there was still the satisfaction of being right.

Well, he’d lasted longer than her last partner. What was it, four months? Not bad. “So, you’re not mad?” Tim fiddled with the napkin lying to the right of his dinner plate. Lydia gazed at him for a second, taking in his features and his sweaty brow. At least he looked sorry for inviting her to a fancy restaurant to dump her.

“No point in being mad. Thank you for being honest.”

“Wow, this is the easiest break-up ever.” That’s because I’m so used to it.

“Shall we split the check?” Lydia was done with the evening. They may have only eaten the starter, but she was in no mood to wade through the rest of dinner.

“No, I’ll get it. I think it’s the least I can do.” Tim raised his hand, signalling the server. Lydia didn’t even wait for the bill to arrive before she donned her coat, gave Tim a pat on the shoulder, and left.

The high street was busy, which was to be expected on a Friday night. Popping into a bar to drown her sorrows flitted across Lydia’s mind, but she dismissed the idea. No, she needed to get home, have a long hot shower, curl up under her weighted blanket on the sofa and binge watch Sex Education.

Twenty minutes later, Lydia dropped her keys in the bowl on the sideboard next to her front door. A wide smile spread across her face as soon as Monty’s paws echoed through the small flat. The waddling ball of fur skittered as fast as his legs would take him until his front paws were planted firmly on Lydia’s thighs.

Monty was a mutt through and through. The rescue centre thought he was part Kerry Blue and Irish Wheaten, with some sort of terrier thrown in for good measure. Lydia didn’t care if he was part unicorn. Monty was‌ true, loyal, and loved Lydia for exactly who she was.

“Come on, Monty.” Making their way down the small hall, Lydia opened the back door. Monty slipped out and began his nightly routine of checking the perimeter of his tiny kingdom. The garden was the size of a postage stamp, but at least they had some greenery. Advantage of a ground-floor flat.

Knowing her bestie was happy outside, Lydia shed her coat, hanging it on the back of her solitary kitchen chair. Flipping the kettle switch, Lydia prepared her teacup. As the water boiled, she dug her phone from her coat pocket, navigated to her contacts and deleted Tim’s number. How many was that now? Six, maybe seven people that couldn’t deal with Lydia and her “issue.” Scoffing to herself, Lydia couldn’t believe she’d even bother to date again, not after Mary. Maybe she was a glutton for punishment.

“Monty, come on lad, it’s sofa time.” Monty’s yip told Lydia he was on his way. They loved nothing more than snuggling on the couch together. Her hot shower could wait for a little while. Lydia needed to feel love instead of rejection. That was her general feeling most days, and she was sick of it. “That’s it, Monty, I’m done.” Monty cocked his head, clearly listening. “No more men, no more women, no more! Just you, me and occasionally your Aunt Fe.” Fe, Lydia’s older sister, was the closest thing she had to a best friend. Over the years, Lydia’s social life had shriveled to nothing. Pain and bloating were a real mood killer for most people.

“Speak of the devil,” she muttered as the buzzing from her phone cut through the silence. “Hey, sis.”

“Hey, sorry, I didn’t know if you’d still be out with Tim.”


“Oh fuck. It happened again, didn’t it?”

What could Lydia say? Of course it happened again. They always left. “Yeah. But it’s whatever. I’m over it and I’m done.”


“Yeah, done with dating. I’ve got enough on my plate.”

“Oh, sweetie, don’t say that. You’ll find the one.”

“Nope. And that’s fine. I have you and Monty. That’s more than some people have.”


“Don’t Fe. Really… don’t.”

“Fine. Do you want me to come over?”

“No, I’m jumping in the shower and then me and Monty are watching the new series of Sex Education.”

“Oh, it’s so good. Eric—”

“No spoilers!”

“Blurgh, fine, I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you, baby sis.”

“Night, love you too.”