Page 46 of Out for Blood

In the far corner is the priest standing quietly with eyes wide in fear. “Yes. They are both now officially wed in the eyes of God and the Catholic Church.”

Tears spill from Mateo's eyes when Santiago's fingers squeeze tighter around his throat. “It's a shame, mi amor. We could have been so good together, but you had to go and ruin it and give yourself to another. You are no good to me now.”

Mateo heaves and gasps, trying to break Santiago's grasp with his desperate fingers. The more he cuts off his air supply, the weaker Mateo becomes. “Please. Let him go. You don't need to do this. Kill me instead.”

He cocks his head to the side. “Oh, I plan to. Maybe I'll even feed you to the dogs out back and let your brothers watch.”

Mateo's eyes close and his body goes limp. This is what real pain feels like. This is what it's like to have your heart ripped from your chest. Suddenly, I can't breathe and I'm suffocating right next to him. Santiago points his gun at me, releasing his grip on Mateo's neck and holding his limp body up. “Do me a favor and feel for a pulse. Don't try anything funny.”

I move forward reaching for Mateo's wrist, not liking the clamminess and coldness of his skin. Relief floods over me when there is a pulse. It's slow but not faint. He must be sleeping. I shake my head, lowering my brows. “There's nothing there.”

He stares down at Mateo and back at me. “You're lying.”

“Why would I lie about something like that?”

He gently sets Mateo's body on the ground, pressing his fingers to his neck. He laughs, still glancing at Mateo's peaceful face.

“You lying piece of…” Bang! The shot of a gun comes from behind me, so loud it has my ears ringing. The gun drops from Santiago's hand and he reaches for the gaping hole in his throat. He chokes and gasps for air.

I turn around to see Miguel standing at the top of the stairs. Santiago's knees buckle and he's still holding his bleeding neck when he hits the ground. Ignoring his gurgling and thrashing around, I rush over to Mateo's still body. I check his pulse again, moving my fingers over his bruising neck, and it's stronger than before. I lift his body in my arms, stroking his hair.

“Was I too late?” Miguel's guilt written eyes bore into mine.

I shake my head. “No. He only made him pass out. He's very much alive.”

Miguel walks closer to Santiago's flailing body. “So is he.” He points his gun and I reach for his leg.

“Don't. Let him suffer. Killing him now will only put him out of his misery and he deserves to be miserable.”

The stairs creak and Angel is running down them. “Is everyone okay?”

I nod. “Everyone but him.” I point to Santiago struggling on the floor.

Angel laughs. “Good. Things seem to be clearing up outside. We should probably head out before Santiago's father gets here. He was late for the wedding. Something tells me it was on purpose. His mother got away and so did Mateo's. One of us should probably go after them.”

“They won't get far,” Miguel says. “Don't worry, they have a nice little surprise coming to them very soon.” His gaze drops to the floor, to the gun lying next to Santiago. “Where did that gun come from?”

I glance at Mateo and then back at his father. “Mateo had it at the wedding. It was the gun he pulled on Santiago.”

“That's impossible. I was told that gun was buried.”

My eyes blink. “Buried where?”

“With Marcus. That gun belonged to your father. I gave it to him as a gift days before the fire.”



I'm laid over soft cushions. My first instinct is to reach for my aching neck. Someone stops me, brushing their warm fingers over mine. “Don't, baby, your neck is very bruised. It may hurt more if you touch it.”

I stare up into those same beautiful eyes that always leave me breathless. “Is it over?”

He shakes his head. “Not yet, but it will be soon. I should get you out of here. Santiago's father is on his way with lots of his men. I'm going to wait here with your father. We will make sure he's taken care of. He won't see it coming.”

I smile, shaking my head. The ache in my neck is dull and it hurts to swallow. “You're stupid to think I'm going anywhere without you.”

“You're already badly hurt. You need to see a doctor. He may have crushed your windpipe.”