Page 22 of Out for Blood

I smile when I imagine the look on Santiago's face when he finds another man's cum stuffed inside me on the night of our honeymoon. He'd kill me right there for sure. Not if I finally gain the courage to use my gun first. Does he need to be alive once the marriage is final? What if we got attacked and I got away with a few scratches?

Gabriel's eyes bore into mine and my hand slides up his chest, enjoying the way his heart beats against it. Almost as if it was beating for me.

After he nearly fucked me unconscious, he muttered the word “sweetness” from those luscious lips of his with a glimmer of lust in his eyes and it sent a rush through me, making every part of my skin tingle. My body is still radiating from his touches and my mind blowing orgasm. One I want to bask in for as long as I can. Only the moment ends when his eyes fall distant and I'm face-to-face with his hard expression. “I better get going. You should shower. You smell like sweat and cum. I doubt you want to join your fiancé for brunch like that tomorrow. Or unless you're into that sort of thing?” His face softens a little.

My eyes widen and I'm sitting in bed, following his rushed movements. “How do you know we are having brunch together?”

He rolls his eyes, huffing while pulling on his clothes. “Because you have brunch together every Saturday. You are a very predictable person, Mateo. It only took two weeks of following you to figure that out.”

My heart beats faster. He has been following me. I think I've known the truth all along but wanted to pretend there was another explanation for him being at the right place at the right time. I didn't want to admit how fucked up I really was. He did this all for me. Took time from his day. Wanted me enough to force his way into my life anyway he could. I've never been the center of someone's attention before and I've enjoyed it way too much to care about anything else. “If I was so predictable, I wouldn't have let you do what you did to me,” I finally say after being quiet for too long.

“Perhaps you did it to prove something.”

“Prove what, exactly?” I tug my sheets closer to my chest, suddenly feeling too exposed, even with my shirt still on.

“Prove that you're not predictable.”

I swallow hard, not wanting to make my rising anger apparent. “I am not trying to prove anything to anyone.”

He lowers his face to mine, pressing his palms against the mattress. “Of course not, princesa. I'll see you around, okay? Try not to attract too much attention. I may have taken care of things for now, but it won't last. They will send someone else. Maybe even someone better.”

My eyes widen. “What do you mean? The guy who tried to kill me—”

“Is at the bottom of the ocean. You don't have to worry about him anymore.”

I clutch my hand to my chest, relief slipping over me. “You killed him.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Si, sweetness. If I have to, I will kill the next one too.”


He crawls closer, tugging my face to his until we are pressed nose to nose. “Because, you are mine. Nobody touches what's mine. Your fiancé will learn that soon enough, too.”

Shivers run down my spine. Maybe I don’t know him well, but when he called me his, nothing had ever felt more right. With Santiago, I feel like a thing he is trying to own, but with Gabriel I am something precious to him, someone worth cherishing and loving.


“Hmm?” His fingers trace my hip bone.

“Come inside me next time?”

A soft groan crawls up his throat. “Okay, princesa. If that's what you want.”

It's what I need.



As difficult as it’s been, I keep my word and stay away. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about seeing Mateo or touching him. It becomes too much. It’s distracting and I never get distracted. My hate for him has become nonexistent and when I couldn't stomach the idea of Santiago so much as hugging him, I knew I let things fall down into the deep end. I am trailing dangerous waters, and if I'm not careful, I will be drowning my brothers along with me.

“Did you hear a single thing I said?” Carlos's eyes grow small and he scrutinizes me with his glare.

“Yes, I heard you. I'm sure you will repeat yourself anyway. You have nothing to worry about.”

He throws his hands up in the air and his brows furrow. “Who even are you? It's not like you to be this careless. You don't think they will find out it was you who killed their main hitman? You were sloppy and messy. This wasn't a job, this was personal, and it shows.”

It's been over a week since I've made Gilbert Alverez's supposed best hitman disappear. My brother’s right, I let my emotions get the better of me, and what for? Some enjoyable lay? A job I’ve allowed to become something more? I was fighting a losing battle when it came to Mateo. It was no longer about revenge, but I wanted to remain in denial. I told myself going to see him was part of the plan, that was until I started to lose sight of what the plan was.