Page 6 of Shattered Soul

“I know?—”

“If you fucking know then you best have a solution, boy. I am not the fucking man you want to get on the wrong side of.” His threat is clear but it rubs me the wrong fucking way and has me shutting down all rational thought as I start to think like a Don and not a man trying to broker peace and form an alliance.

“I’m well aware of who the fuck you are, Bishop. I also know that much like me, you understand that certain situations can go wrong,” I grit out.

I hear a scuffle on his end of the phone, the three of us share a loaded look before another voice comes through the phone.

“Knox Bronson, this is King, Bishop’s underboss.” Before I can respond Taylan snatches the phone off the top of my desk. Xander and I both try to reach for it and stop him but the fucker just smiles and responds.

“King, this is Taylan Carter. I am the underboss for the Re Della Strada formally known as the Da Luca family.”

“Where the fuck is your Don?” Taylan doesn’t miss a beat.

“I thought it best that I come to you underboss to underboss and not bullshit you.” Tension rattles me to my core as I implore my best friend with my eyes not to do this. Xander is shaking his head and mouthing that he is going to fuck Tay up.


“We had a slight setback. Giovani Dario did a snatch and grab on our stash house and stole your guns. We are enroute now to reclaim those guns and finish that fucker for good. As a show of our goodwill and to prove to you and your Don that we are serious about this working out and want to continue this arrangement, we offer this first shipment to you at our own cost.” My eyes widen in outrage. “We also offer the next three shipments to you at half the usual cost and can guarantee that they will be on time.” Xander throws his hands in the air and begins pacing the length of my office.

“And when can we expect this first shipment?” King asks after a beat of silence. Taylan shoots me a wink and smirks.

“You can expect it to arrive at your port in two days' time.” That’s it. I rush around the desk, ready to tackle this fucker and beat the shit out of him but Xander stops me.

“This is your final chance,” I hear Bishop grit out in the background before he ends the call.

“You motherfucker!” I roar as I fight against Xander’s hold to get to Taylan.

“Calm the fuck down, you dickhead,” Tay snaps. Xan whistles through his teeth knowing I’m about to fuck up our best friend for that.

“We can’t fucking deliver shit!” Xander snaps.

Tay rolls his eyes. “You can’t but I can.” Xan and I exchange a look before he steps aside and we both stand here looking at Taylan.

“Explain,” I grit out.

The fucker smirks and makes his way around my desk and drops down into my seat kicking his feet up on the edge. My eye twitches at the sight and it takes everything inside me not to leap over there and pound his fucking smug face in.

“Simple, I knew we had a shit load riding on this deal so when we figured out that Gio took it, I made sure to have another shipment procured and ready to go.” Shock ripples through me.

“You did what now?” Surprise is clear in Xander’s tone.

“I stepped up and did what we needed to so that Knox could focus and deal with what the fuck being back here does to him.” Guilt washes over me. I feel like a cunt for both my boys having to step in and handle shit because I’ve been a fucking headcase. “At least with the threat of war off our backs we can take our time and end shit with Percy and Gio. I know taking the hit for the next three shipments is going to be fucking hard but I gave Donny the go ahead to start cutting the product back home and distributing it as fast as we can. We’ll lose money on the guns but we can make it back from the coke and the pills, I know we can.” Xander and I stand here silently staring at Taylan in a whole new light. He is the one to goof off and make a joke about everything. Normally it’s Xander and me that have to deal with all the hard shit and the decisions like this, but the fact he just saved our asses and even had a backup plan is fucking genius.

“I think you just got my dick hard,” Xander says.

“I aim to please, my brother,” Tay says without missing a beat.

“Thank you,” I mutter. Tay shoots me a pitying look.

“No thanks needed. We’re brothers and this family is everything to me. I dick around a lot but I also know when I need to step up. You and Xan have a lot of shit on your plates so it was the least I could do.”

“You saved our asses, you know that, right?” He nods and shoots me a wink.

“I also have something else to confess.”

“What did you do now, Taylan?” Xan grits out. I prepare myself for him to tell me he knocked some chick up or that he crashed another one of my cars.

“I didn’t do shit but I think I know why Percy is being weird.”