Page 79 of Keeping Secrets

Three dots appeared and disappeared a few times before she finally texted, Fine.

Walking up the pathway to Keely’s little cottage, his legs shook like he had just run ten miles. Never in his life had he cared this much about what someone thought about him. Scot and Nick were like family to him, and he had plenty of friends… but none of those relationships held a candle to what he felt for Keely.

When she opened the door for him, her face was stony. She gave him a quick, unfriendly glance before turning around and walking to the sofa. She sat down at the far end with her arms crossed. Travis shut the front door and sat down at the opposite end. He folded his hands together and stared down at them, trying to figure out where to begin.

“Is it about you and that girl?” she prompted.

“Kind of. Not in the way that you think.” He took a breath and looked up at her. “She was involved with Adam.”

Shock and confusion overtook her face.

“I was there the night that he died,” he said, cutting right to the point. “We both were, Rachel and me. That’s why she wanted to see me. To thank me.”

“I don’t understand,” she said, her voice shaky.

“Sorry.” He was making a mess of things. “It’s not easy to talk about.”

“He died in the woods. Or at least, they found him in the woods. What were you doing there?”

“I was with Nick.”

Keely rocked backwards in shock.

“I didn’t think it was my place to say anything, but given everything that’s happened…”

“That’s why he came to Pelican Point. He was looking for Adam.”


“I knew it! But he swore– he told me that he didn’t have anything to do with Adam’s death.”

“He didn’t. He was there that night, but he left before… everything happened. There was another emergency. Chloe was in danger, so he ran to help her.”

“But you stayed?”

“I couldn’t leave. Nick was recording a conversation between Adam and some other guys, trying to get enough dirt on him to get him arrested. He… we didn’t want Adam to do to anyone else what he had done to you.”

Keely looked away. She pulled a blanket up around her shoulders and then asked, “And Rachel?”

“She was there. She was all strung out. He was trying to sell her.”

“Sell her?” Keely’s voice rose.

“He was telling the other men that there was more where that came from.” Just talking about it made him feel sick. “I only stayed to finish the recording, but I couldn’t just leave her there. She was just a kid.”

His voice broke, and he looked down at his hands.

“What happened?” Keely prompted.

“I didn’t think it through. Things went poorly with the deal, and Adam wasn’t happy about it. When he started to hurt her, I just… all of a sudden I was out of the bushes and slamming into him. He pulled a knife, and we fought. I just wanted to give her time to get away. I wasn’t trying to hurt him. But he… he went over the edge. Off the cliff. It was an accident, but… I’m afraid the courts wouldn’t see it that way.

“Maybe I should have gone straight to the police, but with one manslaughter conviction already, I was terrified to admit to another. Not to mention the fact that the trial would give away my identity to the people Adam was getting involved with.”

When he looked up at Keely, there were tears on her face. He wanted to take her into his arms, but he suspected that he was the last person she wanted to comfort her right now.

“That’s what I’ve been hiding,” he finished lamely. “No other girls. Not in the way that you thought, at least. You’re it for me, Keely. But if you want nothing to do with me after this, well, I’ll understand.”

She seemed frozen in shock, and he hated himself for causing her additional pain.