“Thanks for coming over.”
“Any time.” Chloe sat in Keely’s reading chair and put her feet up. She rested her hands on the round hill of her belly. “So where are you going?”
“That’s the thing,” Keely said. “I have no idea. Some restaurant, I assume. He’s taking me out to dinner. But I don’t know if it’s fancy or casual or what.”
“I see.” She looked thoughtfully at the piles of clothes. “Well, what do you feel best in?”
“Which dress or shirt or jeans makes you feel the most confident? The most yourself?”
Keely frowned thoughtfully and began to paw through the pile of discarded clothes with that question in mind. She smiled when she uncovered a wool sweater dress that she had found at a thrift shop. It was garishly colored and high necked, decidedly not a first-date dress. And yet… she loved how the bright colors made her feel. She liked the warm hug of the soft merino on her skin. And she wasn’t exactly unhappy with the way the dress hugged the curves of her body.
She lifted it from the pile and held it up, one eyebrow raised, waiting for Chloe to give it a thumbs down. But she just smiled even wider than usual and said, “Let’s see it.”
Keely traded her old bathrobe out for the dress and instantly felt more herself, confident and excited. She turned to Chloe for a second opinion.
“You think?” Nervousness fluttered in her stomach.
“I love it.”
“It’s not too weird?”
“It’s the best kind of weird, and I love how it sets off your hair. Let’s get those copper tresses out of that mom bun, okay?”
Keely chuckled and freed her hair. She ran a brush through it until it hung in gleaming waves over her shoulders.
“You look amazing,” Chloe assured her. She held both hands out. “Now help me up out of this chair so I can waddle back down the street before Travis gets here.”
She took both of Chloe’s hands and helped her to stand, then gave them an extra squeeze before letting go. “Thank you.”
Chloe gave her a sideways hug, leaning around her own belly. “I’m so happy you’re here in Pelican Point. Whatever happens tonight, I hope you stay.”
“I intend to,” Keely said. “I didn’t come here for him.”
“Are you sure?” Chloe released her and looked at her with wide blue eyes.
“Sure.” It was mostly true. Though now, on the cusp of their first date, she could admit – at least to herself – that Travis’s presence here had been at least part of the draw. “Anyway, I’m about to be an auntie! Wild horses couldn’t drag me away now.”
Chloe’s eyes gleamed with emotion, and she hugged her again. “I always wanted a sister.”
Keely hugged her back. “Me too.”
She released her and brushed a hand over her eyes, then glanced up at the clock. “Okay, I should go. I love you. Have fun tonight.”
“Thank you.”
With Chloe gone and nothing to do but wait, Keely fidgeted nervously. She checked on the lemon curd that she had made that afternoon. It was cool now, and she was tempted to eat the whole bowl, but she shut the fridge firmly and took a shaky breath. Then she opened it again and poured herself a cold glass of mint tea, trying to settle her stomach.
She had no reason to be so nervous.
It was just Travis, after all. She had known him most of her life.
Then again.
It was Travis.
There was a knock on the door, and she jumped, sending mint tea sloshing over the side of her glass. She set it down and dried her hands, glancing at the clock on the stove.