"Rachel," he repeated. "I looked for you that night."
"I ran when you told me to. I got lost. Eventually I found the road. Or a road. It wasn’t the one we’d driven in on, I don’t think. But I was so messed up, I don’t even know." She took a deep breath and continued, "A car came along, and a nice old lady drove me all the way to my parents’ house. They got me cleaned up."
"You shouldn’t come here," he said gently. "We shouldn’t be seen together."
"Why?" Her dark eyes were huge, like a bunny’s. "You saved my life."
"It was big news," he said as if explaining something to a child. Which he essentially was. "They’re still looking for… the person who did what I did."
"But what if we just told the truth? It was self-defense. It was an accident. Right?"
"I’m not convinced a judge would see it that way."
"Oh." Her lower lip came out again as she thought over what he had said. Then she looked up at him and smiled. "Okay. If you say so. My lips are sealed."
"Yeah?" he asked, unconvinced.
"Of course."
"Great." He tried to keep the exasperation out of his voice. "I’d appreciate it if you didn’t come here again."
"But Bruce came to my house," she said with fresh worry. "That’s the other reason I wanted to talk to you."
A chill went up Travis’ spine. "Who?"
"Bruce. Adam‘s friend. He just showed up, asking questions about Adam. I didn’t know what to say. I’m scared he’ll come back. Or the cops will. He said they’ve been picking up other girls who knew Adam, asking them questions."
"What did you say?" he asked tersely.
"Nothing. I told him that I hadn’t seen Adam in months." She looked down and scuffed at the floor with one pointed shoe. "I’m not sure he believed me."
So Adam‘s friends were sniffing around. The police too, if Bruce could be believed.
Had his drinking buddies spotted Rachel?
Would they tip off somebody more dangerous?
"Don’t come here again," he said. "I’ll meet you at Half Moon Bay tomorrow, how about that?"
"But I’m going out of town tomorrow. I’m going to Lake Tahoe with my parents. "
He took a breath. "When do you get back?"
"We’ll be gone for a week."
"Okay, then a week from tomorrow. The Leaky Spoon in Half Moon Bay, six o’clock."
"Okay." She smiled nervously.
Travis opened a side door and ushered her out. A sudden kick of conscience pushed him out the door with her, and he walked her across the dark parking lot to her car.
"Thanks," she said. "For everything."
"Enjoy Tahoe," he said, his voice tired.
After everything that had happened, his mind felt blank with exhaustion.
He was glad that she was going away with her parents. It would give him a week to think things over and figure out what was next.