Page 90 of Beautiful Beast

We all banked toward the large tree rising above the rest, dropping quickly. Reaching into my pocket, I ran my fingers over Varí’s head. He’d joined me shortly after we started flying again, tired from playing with Idroal.

Dragons flew everywhere around us. Every color imaginable. Markings and patterns I hadn’t seen yet, all brilliantly shining with every bit of light hitting their bodies.

Blues and reds caught my vision because I was so used to the dragons with me. I didn’t see any dragons that were black. Some were dark, but nothing like the inky opal Endre was.

But I couldn’t focus on their beauty, because we were approaching the ground, and that meant we were walking into the unknown.

I slid down as soon as Zovai touched down, not waiting for them. In moments, they were human once more, grabbing the small bags they had packed and donning the clothes within.

“Here.” Idroal approached me from behind, already dressed. “Let me help you.”

They helped me out of the coat I’d been wearing and shrunk it down into the bag before taking it. I paused before I removed my grandmother’s necklace and handed that to them as well to be stored. I didn’t want to take it off, but neither did I wanted lost.

Varí hopped out and up to my shoulder, curling his tail around my neck. I looked at Idroal. “Do you think it’s a good idea for him to be with me?”

“I wish I could.” They pressed their lips into a line. “But I fear they will see it as an attempt at manipulation.”

I nodded. “Varí, I need you to stay with Idroal, all right?”

The small, fierce growl he gave made me smile. “Please? It will keep you safe.”

Idroal held out their hand. “Come, little one. You will be able to watch Lena from my shoulder.”

Trying to make my feeling known on my face, I looked at them. Thankfulness for their support and being present, and a plea to take care of him if anything should happen. They nodded once. Thank you. I mouthed the words as Varí fluttered to their shoulder, scales turning a muted shade of turquoise.

Idroal’s eyes flicked over my shoulder. I turned to find my dragons dressed in a way I’d never seen before. It was much simpler than the men of the Rensaran court might dress, but I didn’t miss that. Simple trousers that emphasized the strength of their legs and finely made shirts that did the same. I saw metallic stitching in the cloth, the only display of wealth or status, but they didn’t need it. The way they carried themselves was enough.

My dragons exuded power—they didn’t need to shout it with their clothing.

When they stepped close, Idroal stepped away.

Sirrus was the first to turn me to him. “Are you ready?”

“No,” I admitted. “I am frightened.”

He held me close. “Everything will be fine.”

I laughed once. “Do you believe it?”

His silence told me enough.

“I never wanted to die,” I whispered. “Not even when I told the three of you I would. I never wanted it. There simply was no other choice. But now I’ve seen what it could be like to live, and I am afraid of losing it.”

Sirrus tilted my face up to his and kissed me. Like we were in their chambers and not out in the open with dragons flying overhead. A silent claim and a promise that he would do whatever he could.

“You’re mine,” he said against my lips. Then he smiled. “Ours. I’ve never had a hoard, but that’s what you are to me, Lena. The one thing I will protect at any cost.”

Zovai wrapped himself around me from behind and whispered the same. “At any cost.”

Their words calmed me and pulled the floor out from beneath me. I didn’t have words to explain how I felt. How it seemed impossible to go from the princess I’d been to the woman I was in such a short time.

But not having the words didn’t make it any less real. “Tell me the truth,” I said, turning to Endre. “Is there any chance?”

He growled. Suddenly his hand was in my hair, his mouth on mine, arm pinning me against his body like he would merge us together. “Of course there is a chance. More than a chance. I will make them see.”

When he kissed me again, I got lost in it. I let my mind float and drift in the pleasure of being kissed and touched from all sides. Until a gentle clearing of a throat dragged us back to reality.

Idroal waited a ways away, and though their face was serious, I saw the amusement in their eyes.