I hadn’t lied. The scent of her was something I couldn’t get enough of. This close, my mouth watered. Sweet as mountain lilies with something richer and darker beneath it. Like the low embers of a morning hearth.
Drawing my tongue over her, I stifled my groan. Her scent was nothing compared to this. The sharp sweetness coating my tongue. Never in my very long life had I tasted a female like this. It was everything. Nothing would ever compare.
Panicked thoughts raced through me, realizing everything that could go wrong and what could happen. She was human. So fragile and breakable. Mortal. What would it be like to live a life with her and lose her?—
I reached around and slid my hands up her hips and higher, holding her against my mouth. Thoughts like that had no place while she was beneath me tasting like fallen starlight and glittering rain.
Lena stirred, hips moving, a whimper coming from that perfect mouth. Her eyes opened and fixed on me, shock warming into desire. “Sirrus.”
My only answer was a thrust of my tongue inside her. I pulled away for a moment, and— “No,” she begged, fingers tangled in my hair, pulling me back to her. She gripped hard enough to hurt, and I loved it, hauling her body toward mine and feasting. I love that she was already confident to ask for what she wanted even if she wasn’t sure what it meant.
I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when we finally took her. Or after that, when we taught her there was more to sex than just one partner could provide. I wanted her everywhere and I wanted to watch every second. I wanted the face of her pleasure burned on the inside of my eyelids. I’d cast myself off the mountain without my wings just to keep watching her come.
Lena gasped. There. I focused my tongue on the spot that made her moan, teasing and sucking and scraping with my teeth just enough to feel her shudder.
Wetness flooded my mouth. Holy fucking Fallen stars. I might come from the taste of her. More than that, I wanted to see our cum dripping out of her. Splashed across her skin. I wanted every dragon in Viria to smell us on her and know she belonged to us.
Because she did.
Somewhere between giving in to the temptation that was Lena and this moment my dragon had decided, and there was no going back.
Outside the bedroom the rest of the world waited, and it would try to tear us apart. But it didn’t matter. My dragon settled, every piece of my focus turning toward Lena’s pleasure. I didn’t let up, burying my face between her thighs. Those same thighs squeezed my head as she came, her orgasm flooding over my tongue like a miracle.
I was tempted to simply keep eating her, but I knew she still needed rest between her pleasure. Someday she wouldn’t, and I would eat her without rest until I’d had my fill.
Sweat shone on her skin in the morning light, and she covered her face with her hands. “How does it keep getting better?”
“Because you’re learning,” Zovai rasped, watching sleepily from across the bed. “Your body and mind are learning what it means to find pleasure, so you can find it faster. Make it sharper. And this is only one kind of pleasure.”
Lena’s cheeks turned pink. “I don’t know what to do now.”
I laughed, pushing myself up far enough that I could kiss her stomach. “Whatever you like, Lena. To the world, we are taking a respite after Rensara. If you want to return to Mesene’s workshop, you can. There are other things in Skalisméra as well. We could fly again. We could also stay here and take turns drinking from your cunt. Something I am not opposed to.”
Her face turned truly red then. “All my clothes are in my room with Varí. I’m not ashamed of this, but I… given what happened, I’d prefer not to walk down there in my nightgown.”
“I’ll get them,” Endre said, heading for the door entirely naked. “You won’t need to stay there anymore.”
Lena blinked, and Zovai chuckled. “Is that all right, Princess?”
She nodded and pressed her lips together. I saw the truth beneath everything. The shyness she held around her was a shield that had been taught to her. Everyone had kept her in ignorance about so many things. But the fire in her was unleashed when she was confident, and I would do whatever I could to encourage that.
It wasn’t anyone who would stand up to us, and she already had. More than once. If she’d been born a dragon, she would have been formidable and powerful.
I slowly pressed a kiss between her breasts, and like I suspected, the shy embarrassment dropped away. Her fingers lightly travelled up my arms and across my shoulders. “I guess I am ruined, though it hardly feels that way.”
Z snorted, a puff of smoke floating toward the ceiling. “There is no such thing as ruined, Lena. It’s something they tell you to keep you locked away. No one is hurt by you experiencing pleasure, and there is nothing wrong bedding more than one male.”
“Humans would disagree with you.”
“Humans have very short memories, Princess.” I couldn’t resist the temptation, leaning down to gently bite her nipple, savoring her moan. “I was alive when it was as common for humans as it is for us. Even royalty, if my memory serves. There was a human queen who had several lovers, and more than one king with several.”
“A human queen?” Lena asked, eyes wide. “Who ruled?”
I bit back the anger at the statement. “Yes.” We didn’t keep track of the humans as much as we should, but I did know that. Females were no longer allowed to rule.
She looked off into the distance. “How can things change so much?”