Flashes of worry crossed her face. The flicker of her emotions matched. I understood them. Her entire life had changed, and even safe from the wrath of our sires, there was much undecided for all of us. What we could do, if anything. How to move forward. If we would try to save a dying world, perhaps at the expense of our own lives.
If my own instincts guided me, I would take the four of us and disappear into the eastern forests without ever returning. Live out our lives, find a way to extend Lena’s, and leave everything else behind. After centuries of being ordered to burn and murder as punishment, I wanted none of it.
But like so many things, there were few choices left to us.
“May I?” Zovai approached us.
I kissed my mate one more time, tasting her sweetness, before I passed her into my brother’s arms.
Sirrus looked at me carefully when I faded back to him. “All right?”
“Yes, and no. As always.” I choked down a laugh. “Happier than I’ve ever been and more afraid too. The part of me that stood in front of that town still wants those things. I want to help the humans and have peace in Viria again. But the rest of me is tired and wants nothing more than a life with our mate.”
“I understand.”
“Any ideas?”
He shook his head. “My only thought is to retreat to Skalisméra as soon as we can with Idroal. If anyone is able to help us, it will be them, along with Mesene.”
There was no need to speak of Doro Eche. All the knowledge of dragonkind lived here in the minds and halls of the city. But here, there was no freedom to seek what we must. Too many unfriendly or jealous eyes. Though I imagined Lena would love the storehouses of ingredients for potions she had never dreamed of.
Someday, I vowed she would see them and have free rein to make whatever she wanted. I would build her a workshop of her own, if only to see her smile.
There was still a risk in the mountain city, but we could control it more. We could go to our home, but we kept no library or history there. The other dragon cities were either too small to boast muc`h knowledge, or had other disadvantages. Not to mention they were so small there would be no hiding.
“They won’t want to let us go,” I said.
Smoke crept from Sirrus’s mouth and nostrils. “We have a right to take time with our mate. Just because no true mates have been acknowledged in centuries does not mean the laws or customs change.”
It wasn’t much, but it just might be enough to get us out of here for a while.
“Your turn,” he said, putting Varí on my shoulder and striding across the dance floor. Zovai had Lena laughing, her face all lit up like she was a flame. Truly, I should have understood what was happening. The pull toward her my beast wouldn’t relinquish. But I didn’t care. She was ours. Forever.
My gut tightened.
It would be forever. We would find a way.
Varí’s tail flicked back and forth over my shoulder as he watched everyone. They couldn’t communicate in the way we could. Only basic thoughts and impressions. But their intelligence could never be understated, and the way he’d imprinted on Lena gave me a measure of relief. This little dragon would do whatever he could for her, no matter the cost.
Zovai retrieved glasses of wine for both of us before returning. If there was anything to be said for Doro Eche, the food and drink could not be matched.
“It feels like you’re brooding,” he said.
“Then it must be a regular day.”
He smiled at that.
“So far it’s been going fine. A few looks here and there, but everyone’s too afraid of our reaction to approach.”
That, I didn’t mind. Let them be afraid.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to stomach this for too long,” Z admitted. “All I want to do is take her back to the house, fuck her to exhaustion, and leave the city in the morning.”
I chuckled. “I don’t think anyone would argue with that. Not even Lena. As soon as they acknowledge us, we’ll go.”
The Elders needed to acknowledge our presence and the bond to our mate before we could leave the celebration. It was a formality, given the bond was already formed, but given the events of last night, I didn’t want to push them any further.
One more step in the delicate dance between us and them.