Because their power had to bow to the Elders, they could be sent through the barrier to do the Elders’ bidding. Like the small attacks here and there that kept the tales of violent dragons alive and well for those who hated them. Like the task of killing a princess to stop an alliance.
“It’s been you three the whole time?”
“No,” Zovai said. “Not every time. But many. Small groups may be ordered through, and were, for various reasons. Mainly to keep the fear of dragons alive and prevent humans from attacking en masse.”
“Until the death of the land reaches the barrier. After that, I don’t think it will hold,” Endre said. “They’ll have nothing left to stop them. And it’s getting close.”
I nodded slowly, looking at Endre’s form in the painting. Now that I knew the story, his dragon seemed to be in agony. At once fierce and suffering. It was a stunning portrayal of what was probably the worst moment of his life. “Why do you keep this?”
“So we don’t forget. Dragons live for a long time, Princess,” Sirrus said quietly.
Leaning back against him, I loved the way he held me with such ease. So natural it felt like we’d been doing it for years. “Is there anything that can be done?”
There were some humans who deserved what might come to them. No one more than Andaros. But there were also people like Taia and Baris. Like Helena. People who had no quarrel with dragons and did their best to keep the truth alive. I didn’t want to see them all die.
“I don’t know,” Endre said. “While they hold this much power, and while mine are bound, I don’t think so.”
The weight of those words hung heavy on his shoulders as he walked to the door. I felt that he needed a moment alone, but as I looked at the painting once more, the question sprang into my mind, and I couldn’t hold it back. “Endre.”
He turned back to look at me, love in his gaze along with the pain.
“I know at least part of you is white.” I glanced downward toward his waist. “At Skalisméra. Last night. Even in this painting, I haven’t seen any other black dragons. Are you the only one?”
For a long, infinite moment, Endre stared at me. Everything in our connected felt blasted and blank. Like ashes.
“There are no black dragons.”
He turned and walked away.
“What does that mean?” I whispered.
Endre was already gone, but I needed to know.
“If it’s something only he can tell me, I understand, but?—”
“It’s not.” Sirrus squeezed my hips. “It’s just hard to talk about. Black is the color of death for dragons. Ashes. Charcoal. Anything burnt. It symbolizes the end of fire. Whether or not it’s in our nature or some subconscious choice by our beasts, there aren’t any black dragons naturally. At least while we are alive.
“Those who earn it are burned when we die. But if we are left to wither, our corpses do turn black and then to ash. It’s what’s been done to him. Endre did not lie when he said it took everything, and the Elders bound him when he still had so little of his strength, he was already turning black.”
“But he looks healthy. The black is so beautiful, just like every other dragon.”
“Because he is healthy. He is recovered. But his power hasn’t. He has enough to live, but like you saw on the beach, using too much exhausts him. It hurts him. There is a part of his dragon that still feels like he’s dying.”
I turned in his arms and buried my face in his shirt. Zovai’s body warmed my back moments later. “I’m sorry I mentioned it.”
“No.” Zovai brushed his mouth over my ear. “You’re our mate. You need to know. He wouldn’t have kept it from you. It’s just a hard thing to live with. Especially here under the watch of the Elders who want nothing more than to make us suffer for our defiance and disagreement.”
I nodded, closing my eyes.
“Tonight, no more thinking of it.” Sirrus ran his hands down my arms and took a step back, looking at my dress. “You look incredible, mate, and I can’t wait to dance with you in front of every one of those assholes.”
A laugh burst out of me. “As long as you stay close. They may not be able to hurt me, but there are plenty of other things that can happen.”