Page 101 of Beautiful Beast

“Is that even possible?”

“Very possible,” Endre said.

I looked at him and Sirrus, who laid behind him, chest still rising in falling while he caught his breath. “Have you done that with others?”

“No mate.” Zovai fit himself against me from behind. “We’ve never wanted anyone the way we want you. It’s only you.”

I wouldn’t have blamed them, but there was still relief in knowing I would have something no one else had with them. And it was the last thought in my head. Zovai thrust into me. Arousal still burned in my veins and every movement felt like too much and not enough.

Z’s arm snaked beneath my ribs, lifting me, holding me against his body as he fucked, and all I could do was feel. Delicious, ruthless pleasure that only built on itself. His flames blew hot on my neck and made everything shatter.

I was beyond noise or speech. All I did was sink into him and the dizzy, heady ecstasy that was him and them and his flames on my skin. He licked them across my shoulders and back. Dragged them over my ribs. Made it so every time he drove deep it felt like coming all over again.

His pleasure fed mine, and when we sank to the bed together, I was nearly spent.

Until Endre pulled me close. “Can you take me, Princess?”

“I think so.”

Easing my leg over his hip, he held me as close as he could, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes. I fell into him. Soft, slow bliss. No explosions or fire, just the sweet, rolling pleasure of being loved. Even as exhaustion took over my body from both pleasure and terror. I clung to Endre, hearing his murmured words, and let almost everything fall away.

When he finished, he still held me close. Lips warmed my temple.

“I’m sorry.”

“Never be sorry, mate. Just sleep.”

And so I did.




Dappled sunlight played over my eyelids. A soft breeze brushed over my skin, and I stretched. My body ached like it had when I was training with the palace guards to defend myself. But this wasn’t from training, this was from?—


I had mates.

Dragon mates.

The last day seemed like an impossible fever dream, and yet, when I cracked my eyes open, I saw Varí curled up on Endre’s chest. Zovai’s arm curled around my waist, and the world surrounding us was very very real.

Endre opened his eyes and smiled when he saw me. In the time I’d known him, even in our brief happiness at Skalisméra, I’d never seen a smile so easy. He reached out and took my hand. Kissed the back of it.

“It’s all real, right?”

“What’s real?”

I shook my head. “Everything that happened. It wasn’t a dream?”

Moving Varí so the little dragon splayed sleepily on a pillow, Endre rolled toward me. “It is no dream, mate.”

“I still don’t understand it.”

He tucked my hair behind my ear. “We were always told true mates were long gone. I don’t know how, but I am grateful. No one is permitted to harm a dragon’s true mate.”