Page 70 of Leather & Lies

“Oven,” Brielle stated.

“Hmm. What do I smell? Fig?”

“Yep,” Jazz said. “Brooklyn’s newest addition.”

“I thought she wasn’t coming back for a few more weeks,” Willa said.

Brielle re-tied her apron. “She didn’t. She made the recipe at home. We went over to her house the other day and she showed us how to make it.”

Willa laughed. “I wondered how she was going to get around not being involved. She still balking at hiring someone in the interim while she’s out?”

“Kind of,” Brielle said. “But I’m putting the screws to her. I want to get back to decorating wedding cakes. Being an administrative assistant and appointment girl for my brothers is not doing it for me.”

“Hmm,” Willa murmured.

“Your tea’s done brewing,” Jazz said, handing me my mug.

“I’ll bring over some goodies for you,” Brielle said to Willa.

“Thanks.” Willa looked at me. “Corner table?”

I nodded and followed her toward the back window. The café was quiet this time of day. She sat and I set my mug down before I removed my jacket and hung it on the back of the chair.

“So, people are talking about me and Bones,” I said, wanting to pick up the thread of our earlier conversation.

“Yes. Well, the brothers aren’t. I mean, they might be…I don’t know. Duke and Savage are gossips.” She grinned. “But the Old Ladies and I are taking about it. They can’t wait to meet you at the wedding.”

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Because the idea of you is utterly fascinating,” she said. “The new girl is always the talk of the town.”

“New girl?”

“Yeah.” She paused. “How do I say this without freaking you the fuck out?”

“Well, that’s not a good way to start,” I huffed.

She smiled softly. “These men, they kind of…do things their own way.”


“When they see something they want, they go after it.”


“They know.”

“Know what?”

“They know when they’ve found the woman they want for the rest of their lives.”

“Oh,” I said quietly. “Yeah, Charlie might’ve mentioned that to me.”

She raised her brows. “Charlie did?”

I nodded. “She’s been…hanging out with Savage.”

“I know.”