Page 63 of Leather & Lies

He was quiet for so long that I thought he might have fallen asleep, but his voice was a whispered promise. “A man who protects what’s his.”

Chapter 15

My cheek was pressed against something warm and hard.

Something unfamiliar.

My brain was mush, but my hand moved of its own volition and began exploring what was beneath me. I glided my fingers across skin and muscle, and yet I still refused to process the truth.

It wasn’t until my hand came into contact with an erection and Bones let out a low groan that I realized I’d been groping him.

I flung myself off him, but in my state of panic I didn’t realize the covers were tangled around me and I hit the floor with a resounding thud.

“Duchess? Are you okay?”

It was my turn to groan. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

Morning sunlight streamed through the windows. I’d forgotten to close the curtains the previous night and now I was seeing Bones on display. Inches of rippling muscle and ink.

“Stop looking at me that way,” he said, his voice husky and his eyes darkening with desire.

I bit my lower lip. “What way?”

“Like you want to lick me from head to toe.”

A vivid picture formed in my head and refused to dislodge.

“Uh. Sorry about the groping. I forgot you were in bed with me.”

“Never apologize for groping me. You can grope me anytime, anywhere.” He raised his brows. “You getting up off the floor any time soon?”

“Oh. Yeah.” I scrambled up, wincing when I put weight on my knee. “So, uh, did I have any nightmares last night?”

His gaze was intense. “Two. Do you remember what they were about?”

“Don’t remember,” I admitted. “Probably about the…” I made the sign of a gun. “Did I scream? Yell? Kick you?”

“You whimpered. You finally slept soundly around four when you threw yourself across my body and cuddled close to me.”

I covered my mouth in embarrassment.

“Don’t sweat it, Duchess. I liked being your emotional support animal.” He flashed a grin, but it suddenly died.

“What?” I asked.

“You don’t have any coffee.”

“Oh. Yeah, I don’t.”

“I’m not gonna survive the day without coffee.”

“Right. Well, thanks for…whatever this was. I’ll see you Wednesday.”

“You got plans today?”

I blinked at the rapid change in conversation. “Yeah, I have plans today.”

“Cancel them. I’ll take you for a ride on my motorcycle.”