Page 42 of Leather & Lies

“I don’t have a reason to call him.”

“Even better. You like him. The first step is admitting it.”

“Did you stay out all night with Savage?” I asked.


“You didn’t invite him back to the pool house?”

“Nope. Now stop redirecting the conversation. If you’re not gonna call Bones, at least text him.”

“And say what?” I asked.

“Thank him for staying over.”

“I already thanked him.”

With a sigh, she muted the TV and then held out her hand. “Phone.”

“No.” I held my cell to my chest in a protective gesture.

“Hayden, give me your phone so I can text something dirty to him, or you text him yourself and thank him. Ten bucks says his reply is instant.”

“He’s not gonna reply right away. He’s busy. He’s a guy.”

“First of all, Bones is a man. Second of all, when a man really likes you, it doesn’t matter how busy he is. He’ll reply. He won’t make you wait. You’ll know where you stand with him.”

“That’s what has me worried,” I muttered.

But I unlocked my phone, found his contact, and sent him a text.


Thanks for staying the night with me

My phone chimed not ten seconds later.

Bad to the Bones

Thanks for the waffle. You still set on me wearing a tux?


A tux is a must.

Bad to the Bones

Where the hell do I get one


I know a guy. You free tomorrow afternoon?

Bad to the Bones

I could be free tomorrow afternoon…
