Page 41 of Leather & Lies

“You’re a WASP,” I said with a laugh.

“Exception, not the rule,” she retorted.

“You don’t think I’m frigid, do you?”

“I’ve never had sex with you, so I don’t know.”

“Charlie,” I pleaded.

“Even if you are, which I’m not saying you are, but even if you are, based on that goodbye kiss, I don’t think Bones will let you be frigid much longer.”

I pictured myself in bed with Bones. Our limbs tangled, our bodies slick with sweat, his lips between my legs…

“Frigid my ass,” Charlie said with a laugh. “You’re thinking about Bones naked, aren’t you?”

“Yep.” I sighed. “So, taking him to Mom’s charity gala…thoughts on that?”

“Is he going to wear his biker garb or a tux?”


“Hmm. I think it’ll be a night to remember. That’s what I think.”

“Also, what were you and Waverly talking about yesterday? Why did you say you were going to call her?”

“Oh. She flips furniture. Pretty cool stuff actually. She also said she’s interested in dollhouse restoration. I didn’t even know that was a thing. Apparently, there’s money there.”

“I had no idea.”

“I have that dollhouse from my grandmother. I was thinking Waverly could do something with it. The wallpaper is yellow, the paint is chipping. I don’t know. I thought Waverly might be able to restore it.”

I paused. “Doesn’t your mom love that dollhouse?”


“And you’re thinking of having it restored for her?”

“Don’t think too much about this,” she said.

“Okay.” I hid my smile as I removed the waffle from the iron. “I hope Willa’s all right. Yesterday was…yeah. Hard to even process.”

“Savage called her when we were out together. Just to check in. He’s a good dude.”

“A good dude,” I repeated.

“And good in bed.” She smirked. “So, tell me the truth…”


“Bones. Did he love Pride & Prejudice?”

Charlie and I hung out for the rest of the day. We vegged on the couch, watched movies, and every now and again I looked at my phone.

“Call him,” Charlie said, not taking her eyes off the TV as she dug into a bowl of popcorn.

“Call who?”

“Don’t play dumb.”