Page 37 of Leather & Lies

“X is equal to negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac all over 2a.”

“You could’ve made that up,” I said.

“Jesus, Duchess. Will you give me one?”

I turned in his arms so that I was flush against the counter. We stared at one another and then his lips met mine.

My hand went to the back of his neck, sinking into the dark hair at his nape.

I felt him everywhere. I was surrounded by his heat, his scent. His tongue slid into my mouth and he pressed against me.

“It’s burning,” I murmured against his mouth.

“What’s burning?” he asked as he glided his lips to my cheek. “Your loins?”

“The waffle.” I laughed.

He pulled away from me, but I was in danger of saying screw it and demanding he go back to kissing me.

Bones stayed close as I removed the waffle from the waffle iron. It was dark golden brown, and I placed it on the plate and set it down on the island in front of the stool he’d vacated.

“Eat,” I commanded. “Before it gets cold.”

“I’d rather eat you…”

The ladle fell from my hand and clanked into the mixing bowl. “You can’t say things like that.”

“Why not?” Bones asked as he walked to the stool and took a seat. “It’s the truth.”

“Because you can’t,” I said in exasperation. “People don’t…that’s not how people talk.”

“If they don’t, they should. We should all be more honest about what we want, don’t you think?” Bones slathered his waffle with butter and maple syrup.

“There’s such a thing as decorum.”

“Fuck decorum. When the senator’s son calls you, are you gonna be polite and brush him off, or are you gonna tell him that your mother is trying to set you up and you’re not interested?”

“I don’t have to hurt his feelings,” I replied as I closed the waffle iron.

“No, you’re just willing to be a pawn in your mother’s schemes. Do you have any real boundaries? Or have you been a people pleaser your entire life?”

“Are you trying to be an ass?” I snapped.

“No. I’m genuinely curious.” He raised his brows as he waited for me to answer. When I didn’t, he went on, “Even if you tell this guy you’re not interested and you’ve told your mom to back off, do you really think she will?”

“No. She won’t back off until she sees that I’m dating someone,” I replied. “That’s the only thing that’ll get her to stop.”

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

I frowned. “Do what?”

“I’ll be your date to this charity, ball-gala or whatever.”

His statement rendered me speechless. My eyes took in his appearance. Sexy as hell, rough around the edges, and those tattoos…

He wasn’t from my world.

I could only imagine him striding into the gala wearing jeans and his leather cut.