Page 27 of Leather & Lies

I embraced my best friend and she whispered in my ear, “If you change your mind, you can call me. Anytime. Doesn’t matter. Even if it’s two in the morning.”

“Okay, I’ll call you if I change my mind,” I lied. “Do me a favor, though.”

“What’s that?”

“Today stays between us. None of this to the parental units.”

“Say no more.” Charlie pulled away and we headed back to the group. She looked at Willa. “I would say it was nice to meet you, but that seems like the wrong thing to say after what happened.”

“I get it,” Willa said. “But for what it’s worth, I’m glad you were inside with Waverly.”

Charlie glanced at Waverly. “You. I’m calling you.”

“You better,” Waverly said.

With a frown, I looked at Charlie.

“I’ll explain later.” My best friend hugged me one last time and then she walked with Savage to the parking lot.

Bones hung up his cell phone. “You ready?”

“I’m too shaky to ride on your bike,” I explained.

“A prospect is coming for it. We’ll take your car.”

“Okay,” I said, feeling like a doll being moved around. “Willa, I?—”

“You’re welcome,” she said with a soft smile.

I said goodbye to Waverly and then Bones took my hand in his. “You’re pale,” he said when we got to my car. “You need a shot of bourbon to put some color back in your cheeks.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want a shot of bourbon.”

He opened the passenger side door and waited until I was settled before closing it.

Bones went to the driver’s side and slid into the seat. His legs were scrunched up because I had it set for my small frame. He got situated, adjusted the mirrors, and then held out his hand. “Keys.”

I dropped the keys into his palm. Before I could pull away he took my hand and turned it over.

“Just as I suspected,” he said, letting go of my hand and sticking the key into the ignition.


“You scrubbed your palm free of my number,” he said.

“It took half a bottle of rubbing alcohol to remove it,” I informed him. “You really thought I was going to call?”

“I had hopes, but no, I didn’t expect you to call.”

He backed out of the space and I stared through the window. “Thanks for driving me home.”

“Sure thing.”

“Why did you show up here?” I asked. “I mean, I know why Duke came. He’s Willa’s husband. And Savage…well, I’m not sure why he came either.”

“Savage, Willa, and Duke have been friends since they were kids. But the three of us were finishing lunch together when Vance called.”

“What did Vance say?”