Page 241 of Leather & Lies

I looked at the man I loved. The man who’d kill for me to ensure I was safe. Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks.

“Then hold me, and never let me go.”



I sat in the private office at Chaos with four powerful men.

Colt Weston drank rye.

Elijah Padgett drank Irish whiskey.

Ramsey Buchanan drank SINNERS single malt scotch.

Sasha Petrovich drank Krasnyy, his own personal brand of vodka.

Chaos was Elijah’s wine bar, and the private office had been built into a military-grade faraday cage where no electronics were allowed. I didn’t know what kind of deals Elijah had made from this room, and I didn’t ask, but nothing that was said here could ever be recorded.

The Tarnished Angels handled security for his wine bar and our relationship was professional.

Elijah kept shooting glares at Sasha Petrovich, who calmly sipped his vodka.

Sasha turned his head, and in a Russian accent said, “I might be blind in one eye, but I could still be out of my chair and snap your neck before you knew what was happening.”

“I’d like to see you try,” Elijah stated in a thick Irish brogue. “And with a mouth like that, you’re lucky that Ramsey calls you a friend.”

“Before the fists fly,” Colt drawled. “Maybe we can get down to business.”

“I’ll give you the location of the warehouse where the Russians are being held,” Elijah said. “But you and your club clean up the mess. And if there’s any blowback, I’m not involved.”

“Fine,” Colt said.

“I’ll call Alexei personally when the deed is done,” Sasha remarked. “And that should close out the matter.”

“There’s just one thing,” I said, looking at Colt. “The club isn’t involved in this.”

“We’re involved,” Colt said. “Because Pyotr came after your woman.”

“Brother, the club just went legit. There’s no way in hell I’m jeopardizing your families for this. I’ll take care of it on my own.”

“Like hell you will,” Colt stated.

“He doesn’t have to do this alone. I’ll go with him,” Ramsey interjected.

I looked at him. “Why would you do that? Get yourself involved in something that has nothing to do with you?”

“I have my reasons,” Ramsey said. “And I’ll explain them to you after it’s done, if you let me.”

I looked at Elijah. “Works for me. I’ll have the location now.”

Elijah rattled off the address. “Everything you asked for is there.”

Ramsey and I both stood and Sasha handed me a set of keys. “There’s an unmarked black Sedan in the back. It’s bulletproof, not that I expect you’ll need it, but you can never be too careful.”

“Thanks,” I said, turning away from the scarred man. Even in the dim light of the room, I could see that half his face had been badly burned.

I looked at Ramsey. “It’s time.”