Page 225 of Leather & Lies

“Hey, that’s mine,” Cam said, trying to wrangle the food away from the dog.

“A little late, bud,” Boxer said with a laugh. “He devoured that in two bites.”

The mutt turned around and faced Cam. Cam stared at the dog for a moment and then the dog leaned forward and licked Cam’s nose.

“I guess it’s okay,” Cam said. He looked away for a moment, but not before I saw him swipe at his eye.

“How are you doing, Lily Burger?” Bones asked.

The seven-year-old looked up at him and shrugged.

“Where’s Doc?” I asked.

“Shower. She’ll be down in a second,” Boxer replied.

Lily pointed at Bones’ leather cut. “Somethings moving under your shirt.”

“Is it?” Bones asked, feigning innocence.

She nodded.

“It’s your present,” Bones said.

“Present? I get a present?” Lily asked, excitement replacing the somberness in her eyes.

A furry little head popped out from Bones’ shirt collar and let out a soft meow.

“I get a kitty?!” Lily screamed.

Monk lifted his head from his water bowl. Tongue hanging out of his mouth, he went to investigate the furry creature barely bigger than Bones’ fist.

Bones lifted the kitten out of his shirt and introduced them.

“You got her a kitten?” Boxer asked.

“Doc said it was okay,” I hastened to say. “She said Lily’s been wanting one.”

“Yeah, she has been,” Boxer said. “I just planned on surprising her with one myself. You’ve spoiled it.”

Bones handed the kitten to Lily, who cuddled it close.

“Sorry, brother,” Bones said. “I didn’t know.”

“Wait, if she gets a kitten, who’s dog is this?” Cam asked. “Is he yours?”

I shook my head. “Nope. He’s yours.”

“Hold on,” Boxer interjected. “No one said anything about another dog. Monk just ate a pair of Doc’s panties, I don’t need any more of that shi?—”

“I don’t see why that would upset you,” Doc said as she strode into the kitchen, dressed in a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt.

“They were my favorite pair,” Boxer muttered under his breath.

“It was Hayden’s idea to get Cam a dog,” Doc said. “But I thought it was a good one.”

“A very good one,” Cam said. “Please, Boxer? I’ll take care of him. You know, when I can walk without crutches, I mean. I promise.”

“And I’m taking my kitten to school,” Lily announced. “She can hang out in my backpack.”