Page 223 of Leather & Lies

“Hmm. I think that’s what we call true intimacy.”

Chapter 53

“You cannot keep me in the house bubble for a moment longer,” I stated. “I have a billion-dollar company to run. I have to make an appearance in the office or everyone’s going to think I’m running scared.”

“Oliver has been calling you non-stop. You’re getting a lot of shit done from the couch.”

“But I can’t keep taking meetings from the couch,” I insisted. “It’s been three days. Three days of wasting away, eating through the food the Old Ladies brought me, and then you carrying me up to bed.”

“You like what I do to you after I carry you up there,” he pointed out. “Several times, in fact.”

I glared. “I’ve recovered. I need to get back to my life. I promised Doc I would do my witchy voodoo trick and find Cam the perfect dog. And a kitten for Lily. Besides, don’t you have to meet up with Colt?”

“Yeah.” He sighed. “I do.”

“This’ll be good for both of us.” I handed him the car keys. “You can drive.”

“Damn right, I’m driving.”

We locked up the house and remotely set the alarm and then Bones was opening the car door for me.

He looked at me for a minute.

“What?” I asked.

He brushed my hairline. “I hate to even say it.”

“Say it.”

“I think you might have a scar.”

“Then I have a scar.” I shrugged. “Doc already warned me. I’m not worried about it.”

“Hmm. Still. There’s gonna be photographers at your mother’s party, right?”


“You sure you want your stitches on display? It’ll invite questions. Questions you probably don’t want to answer about your health so soon after you taking over your father’s company.”

“My mother called you, didn’t she?”

“She called me,” he agreed with sigh.

“She wants me to cover it up.”

“Yeah. For your own protection.”

I sighed. “I’ll make a hair appointment. Looks like I’m getting bangs.”

After we stopped off at Spencer Pharmaceuticals so I could show my face, Bones drove us to the shelter and I walked the aisles until I found a white, wiry-haired terrier mix whose tail would not stop wagging.

“That one,” I said immediately. “That’s Cam’s dog.”

“If you say so,” Bones said. “Now let’s see if your superpowers work on kittens.”

An hour later, I was sitting with the dog on my lap and Bones had a grey kitten with tan splotches on her back nestled in his shirt.

“Are we sure this is Lily’s kitten?” Bones asked. “She’s purring.”