Page 217 of Leather & Lies

“Mia and Boxer’s new bar,” Doc said. “It’s coming together.”

“With Logan’s help,” Mia said. “She’s a design genius. We were supposed to have a cocktail night. I have all these recipes I want to try, but my pool of loyal tasters are off the sauce.”

“Sorry, we’re growing humans,” Willa said with a laugh.

“What about mocktails?” I asked. “I’m always happy when restaurants include mocktails for us non-drinkers.”

“That’s a great idea,” Mia said.

My phone buzzed with a text.

Bad to the Bones

Old Ladies still there?



Bad to the Bones

Good. I’ll be home in a few hours.

“I know that look,” Logan said.

I glanced up from my screen. “What look?”

“The look that says you are planning on seducing your husband.” Logan grinned. “Aren’t ya?”

“I might be,” I agreed. “He won’t be home for a few hours though. Just enough time to spin my web and trap him like a fly.”

“Hmm. I think he’s happy to be trapped.” Willa winked.

“We should go,” Mia said.

“Thank you for coming over,” I said to them.

“The rest of the reserves will show up over the next few days,” Mia said. “Hope that’s okay.”

“That’s more than okay,” I assured her.

One by one, they leaned down to hug me. They all left, but Doc stayed behind.

“I’ll call you about the dog for Cam,” I said.

“Perfect,” she said. She shuffled from one foot to the other, her brow wrinkled.

“What?” I asked.

“I’ve just been mulling over your…condition.”

“Yeah? What about it?”

“You said it started right after your father passed.”

“Yes. It did.” I nodded.

“And stress brings on the episodes.”