Page 155 of Leather & Lies


“How long has this been going on?”

“A few weeks.”

Only a few weeks…

How had it been such a short period of time?

“Does Charlie know about him?” Mom inquired.

“She knows about him. She’s met him. And she already knows not to tell you anything about him,” I added.

“You’re choosing the night of my charity gala for me to meet your boyfriend for the first time? You sure he’s up to the scrutiny?”

“I have complete faith in him.” I reached out and stroked Bones’ freshly shaven jaw. By tomorrow night, it would look like he already had three days’ worth of scruff. The picture I had in my mind of Bones in his expertly tailored tux sporting scruff had me momentarily distracted.


“Sorry, what did you say?”

“I asked if he’s someone special?”

I looked at Bones when I replied. “Very special.”

“Well, I think that’s wonderful,” Mom said. “I look forward to seeing you both tomorrow night.”

We hung up with each other and I set my phone aside.

I ran my fingers along his cheek and then slipped my hand into his newly styled hair. “I like the haircut.”



“It was the most expensive cut and shave of my life,” he joked. “I’d better look good.”

“Devastatingly handsome,” I quipped.

“So, when I introduce myself to your mother, I’m guessing you’d rather I not say anything about the Tarnished Angels…”

“She’ll find out the moment you give her your real name because my stepfather will do some digging. He’ll corner you at Sunday dinner with the information and there’s a chance it won’t be pretty. But tomorrow night, you’re Royce Dalton, and you’re involved in the security business for a private client with an NDA.”

“That’s not really the truth.”

“It’s not really a lie,” I pointed out. “PR 101. It’s all about how you spin it.”

“Sunday dinner,” he stated.

“What about it?”

“You didn’t ask me if I had plans Sunday, or if I wanted to be scrutinized up close by your butler and your mom and stepdad.”

“You have plans Sunday.” I smiled. “You’re having dinner at my childhood home. Besides, my mom and stepdad will scrutinize you tomorrow night anyway. It’s just that by Sunday they’ll actually know who you are.”

“Hmm, and what will you give me for having to suffer through Sunday dinner?”

“What do you want?”