Page 144 of Leather & Lies




You should tell him the truth.

Not wanting to go down that rabbit hole, I tossed my phone aside. “Bones!” I yelled.

A few minutes later, he appeared in the doorway of the bedroom. “You bellowed, Duchess?”

“I don’t bellow.”

“Sounded like a bellow.”

“You told me to call for you when I was ready to be carried downstairs.”

“Hmm. The nickname Duchess feels pretty fitting right about now.” He pushed away from the doorframe and walked to the bed. I grabbed my phone before he scooped me into his arms.

“How’d it go with your mother?”

“Fine. I told her I had a migraine, which isn’t a complete lie.”

“You have a migraine?”

“A headache,” I clarified. “Don’t worry, it’ll go away after I eat and hydrate.”

“I’ve got a prospect bringing over chicken soup. Your job is to sit and let me take care of you. I’ve got to make a call to Raze and get him to cover me tonight so I can stay?—”

“Cover you tonight?” I frowned. “Cover you for what?”

“Security at Chaos.” He set me down on the couch and swaddled me with a blanket.

“Really? I’m fine,” I said. “Don’t take off work for me.”

“I don’t want you to be alone,” he stated. “I’m taking off.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“It’s not ridiculous. If I’m at work, all I’m going to do is worry about you.”

“Okay, don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re kind of…”


“Smothering me,” I blurted out.

He raised his brows. “Smothering? I’m smothering you?”

“I just need some space,” I stated. “I didn’t get a chance to process everything that happened yesterday. And I know you’re worried and you want to take care of me, but I just…”

His stare was unwavering. “I’m not leaving you alone. So, either I stay or you call Charlie to hang out with you.”

“I’ll call Charlie,” I said. “You can go.”

He sat down on the coffee table and faced me. “I’ll wait for you to call her.”

“Wait for me to—do you think I’m not going to call her?”