Page 129 of Leather & Lies

A baby cried and Brooklyn immediately stood up from the pew and hastened to the doors. Unfortunately, that set off another baby crying, and Joni quickly rose and all but ran in the direction Brooklyn had gone.

“The beauty of His creation. A reminder of why we enter into holy matrimony. Let us continue,” the minister said.

“Where do babies come from?” the flower girl asked, interrupting the service again.

“Doc, you want to answer that one?” Kelp called from the other side of the aisle.

“Hmm, that’s for Darcy to answer,” Doc said.

“Great,” Darcy said. “Foist if off on me.”

“She’s your daughter,” Doc said with a laugh. “I could give her the clinical version if you want…”

“What’s clinical mean?” the flower girl asked, looking around, completely oblivious to the ceremony, and instead hoping someone would answer her questions.

“Hush, Lily. You’re interrupting the wedding,” Darcy admonished.

Sutton pressed a hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle. Viper leaned in close to the minister and whispered something. The man nodded and began speaking again. I could see his lips moving, but he was being purposefully quiet.

“Waverly,” the flower girl called.

Darcy groaned.

“Yeah, Lily Burger?” Wavery replied.

“Where do babies come from?” Lily asked again.

All eyes, except for the bride and groom, turned to look at Willa’s younger sister.

“You wanna know where babies come from?” Waverly asked Lily.

“Yes.” Lily nodded her head eagerly.

“Waverly,” Willa warned.

“I’ll tell you where babies come from.” She gave a dramatic pause. “They come from Cleveland.”

Lily frowned. “What’s a Cleveland?”

“It’s in Ohio,” Sailor clarified.

“What’s an Ohio?” Lily asked.

“Crisis averted,” Darcy said. “Now maybe we can get back to the wedding?—”

“You may now kiss the bride,” the minister announced, loudly this time so all could hear.

“That’s the strangest wedding I’ve ever witnessed,” I said as I washed my hands in the women’s restroom. “We missed the vows entirely.”

Brooklyn was sitting on a red couch nursing her newborn daughter, Palmer. Joni had just finished changing Everett’s diaper.

“So did we,” Brooklyn said.

“That’s kind of how things go around here,” Joni added. “Nothing goes according to plan. You should’ve been there for Doc’s wedding. It was a riot.” She quickly told me what had happened.

“Anyone else noticing that Lily is the center of all the shenanigans?” I asked with a laugh.

“Yeah, she definitely is,” Brooklyn agreed. “But she’s so cute no one can ever be mad at her.”