Page 13 of Leather & Lies

Roman smiled back. “I heard.”

“He’s definitely charming,” Charlie said.

“Again, I’m right here!” I snapped.

“We know,” Roman said.

I pointed at Bones. “You’re trouble. You’re a bad decision wrapped in trouble. You’re trouble cubed.”

“You’re not wrong,” Bones said lightly. “But I’m also a lot of fun. And I’m really good at removing sticks from asses. So, if you need help removing yours, give me a buzz.”

He chucked me under the chin and swaggered out of Three Kings, the door closing behind him.

I looked at my best friend. She opened her mouth to say something, but I quickly covered her lips with my non-numbered palm.

“You will not make an anal joke at a time like this,” I said in warning.

Brielle let out a wheeze of laughter and even Roman cracked a smile. Charlie’s green eyes sparkled with wicked humor.

“Will you be good and not say anything?”

She nodded.

I slowly removed my palm.

“Let’s get you in the chair,” Roman said to Charlie.

“Is it okay if Hayden holds my hand for moral support?” Charlie asked.

“Fine by me,” Roman said.

“I’ll hold your hand,” I said, “on one condition.”

“What?” Charlie asked.

“You don’t mention Bones or that conversation, ever again.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I think you should call him. That stick has been up there so long it’s bound to petrify.”

“And you say this as my best friend,” I remarked blandly.

“With all the love in my heart for you,” she replied.

Roman looked at his sister. “They remind me of you and Jazz.”

“Don’t they?” Brielle shook her head. “It’s like looking in a mirror.”

“Tell me it’s not gorgeous,” Charlie said as Roman slathered moisturizer on her new shoulder ink.

“It’s gorgeous,” I admitted truthfully.

“Gorgeous enough that it’s convinced you to a get one?” Charlie asked.

“Nope,” I said. “I’m good.”

I wouldn’t dare admit to Charlie that the incessant buzzing of the needle had given me a low-level headache or that watching Roman wipe away the blood had made me a touch queasy.

“You’re looking a little green,” Roman said to me.