Page 104 of Leather & Lies

“That truck is indestructible.” Mia chuckled. She looked at me and said, “Duke bought my old truck for the girls to share. It was the truck my grandfather used to drive.”

“And it’s still on the road,” Willa said. “Despite teenagers behind the wheel.”

We got back to the main floor. My attention was immediately drawn to the two men at the bar who hadn’t been there when I came in. They wore leather cuts, but they were turned sideways so I couldn’t see their club name written on the back.

“Hayden?” Willa called.

I turned to look at her. She and Mia had taken a few steps toward the direction of the table, but they’d apparently noticed I hadn’t joined them.

I walked to them. “Sorry, I just—there are two men at the bar wearing leather cuts. Are they Tarnished Angels I haven’t met yet?”

Mia’s gaze narrowed as she took in the men. She looked away from them to Willa. “Why don’t you guys head back to the table.”

“Sure,” Willa said, looping her arm through mine and tugging me away.

Mia stood rooted in her spot, but I watched her pull out her phone.

“Those men,” I said to Willa. “They’re not supposed to be here, are they?”

Willa clenched her jaw. “No. They’re not.”

“Who are they?”

“No clue.”

“Really?” I asked. “Or is this one of those things where you’re pretending not to know?”

“I really don’t know,” she said. “This is Tarnished Angels’ turf.”

“Turf? Like, the Jets and the Sharks? Turf like that?”

She nodded. “Exactly like that. Spurs isn’t a Tarnished Angels bar, but it’s in Tarnished Angels territory. So, the fact that there are other bikers here…”

“Oh,” I said quietly.

“Yeah. Oh. Don’t say anything to the girls, okay?”

“I won’t,” I promised.

“There you are,” Sutton said when we got back to the table. “Where’s Mia?”

“She had to make a call,” Willa said. “She’ll be here in a bit.”

“Delilah brought another round of drinks,” Rach said. “And told us the dancing is gonna start in about ten minutes.”

“Which is probably my cue to go,” Brooklyn said. “I have to relieve Slash of baby duty so he can get to the bachelor party.”

She went around the table and hugged everyone goodbye, including me. She saved Sutton for last.

“Thank you for coming,” Sutton said to her. “I know it was hard to pull yourself away from Palmer.”

Brooklyn’s smile was beaming. “Thanks for understanding.” She hugged her tight again. “And congratulations. Tell Mia goodbye for me.”

“I will. See you at the wedding.”

Brooklyn grabbed her jacket off the back of her chair and waved goodbye.

Old school country music suddenly blasted through the sound system.