Page 101 of Leather & Lies

“You’re going to tell him. Aren’t you?”

I nodded slowly. “I think so, yeah. I have to. If I want…”

“If you want…”

“Him,” I finished. “If I want him.”

Chapter 24

My phone rang just as I was putting on my red cowboy boots. I saw Bad to the Bones flash across the screen and a smile immediately graced my lips.

I answered and put him on speaker.

“How many beers in are you?” I asked.

“Zero,” he said. “We’re still getting a game plan together.”

“A game plan? It’s a bachelor party. Shouldn’t there already be a plan?”

“Savage suggested renting a few cabins and tripping balls on a shitload of peyote, but the rest of us nixed the idea.”

I chuckled.

“Viper’s a chill guy. He wasn’t gung-ho for a party anyway. Mostly, he’s stewing, wondering what trouble Sutton will get into.”

“She won’t get into trouble,” I stated. “She’ll be surrounded by her friends. We’ll make sure she’s safe.”

“Sutton is…Sutton. Trouble has a way of following her.”

“I promise not to let her drink until she blacks out and forgets the night.”

“I’ll tell Viper. I’m sure he’ll appreciate that.”

“Hmm. Well, I’m about to run out the door.”

“Now? You’re going to be late.”

“I started my day behind and it’s just snowballed,” I commented.

“You’ll tell me about it later,” he said. “Tonight.”


“Yeah, tonight. When I come over.”

“You’re coming over?” I asked. “You’re not going to be partying until the wee hours of the morning?”

“We’ll have a few beers, we’ll haze Viper, then we’ll probably work on a motorcycle engine or two and call it. Most of my brothers have wives and families now. The landscape of bachelor parties has changed. Plus, I’m not twenty-five anymore. Hangovers fuckin’ suck.”

“You’re right. You’re like, what, thirty-nine? When I told you to bring over a spare toothbrush, maybe I should’ve told you to bring a pair of slippers and a robe to go with it.”

“Not funny,” he said, but his tone was light.

“So…later tonight?” I asked.

“Later tonight,” he agreed. “Keep in touch, yeah?”

“I will,” I promised.