Page 96 of Leather & Lies

I climbed off him just as his phone chimed. He grabbed it and read the message. “Damn.”


“Something came up. I can’t take you home right now.”

“But I have to?—”

“I’ll find you a ride, I promise.” He launched himself out of bed. Despite his earlier desire to lounge and pick up where we’d left off, he was suddenly full of energy.

I got dressed as quickly as I could and took some extra time to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Bones was waiting for me in the hallway when I opened the door.

He sidled past me. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

Kelp and Raze were already awake and they were sitting on the couch with cups of coffee.

“Morning,” Kelp said.

“Hi,” I greeted.

“You’re not walking funny,” Raze stated. “You shut my boy down?”

“Huh. How old are you?”

“Thirty-eight,” Raze said. “Why?”

“When’s the last time you read an etiquette book?” I quipped.

Raze let out a good-natured laugh. “Coffee?”

“No, thanks, I’ve got to get home. Bones can’t take me, though. He’s got to do something.” I hated the vague statement, and it only reminded me of what we’d fought about the night before.

It was still tangled in my head, but my body was clearly leading the way in my decision-making process.

“I’d offer to take you,” Kelp said, “but I’m going where Bones is going.”

“Where are you and Bones going?” a slim brunette asked as she came into the room. She looked to be about my age.

“Where your fiancé is going,” Kelp said. “Nice of you to make an appearance, Sutton.”

Sutton grinned, clearly not bashful. “My private party with Viper was more fun than a party with all of you. No offense.”

“None taken,” Kelp said.

Sutton’s eyes slid to me. “Hey, we haven’t met yet.”

“Hayden Spencer,” I said with a wave.

“Ah, Bones’ Old Lady. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m not his Old Lady,” I protested.

She raised her brows. “Sure. Whatever. You’re coming tonight, right? To my bachelorette party?”

“Oh. Yeah. How’d you know I was invited?”

“Logan texted last night. I saw the message this morning.”

“Ah. Is that okay? That they invited me and informed you after the fact?”