Page 57 of Leather & Lies

“Wait,” I called out.

He looked at me over his shoulder.

“You want to stay? For a bit?”

“Do you want me to stay because you’re afraid to fall asleep alone, or because you actually want me here?”

I lifted the bag. “You’ve done this before.”

“Done what before? Brought a woman tea to help her sleep? I haven’t done that before.”

“No, I meant—never mind.”

“Never mind what?”

“You’ve done this before. The relationship thing.”

“We’re in a relationship?” Bones raised his brows.

I sighed. “Thanks for the tea. You can go now.”

“Nope. You asked me to stay. And I’m still waiting on the answer to the question I asked you.”

“Which is?”

“Do you want me to stay because you’re afraid to fall asleep alone, or because you actually want me here?” he repeated. “I get it, Duchess. You’ve got walls and you’re trying not to let them come crumbling down. But I came here with the tea because I care about you. So just tell me the truth.”

I sighed. “You’re a good sport, Bones. What you’re doing for me…I want you to stay because I want you to stay. I like being around you and that’s very unusual for me. I don’t…with men and I…I like you.”

Bones’ smile was slow. “Was that so hard?”

“Like pulling teeth,” I muttered.

He let out a laugh as he stepped away from the door toward the stairs. He sat down and began to remove his boots.

“Where was Charlie running off to?” Bones asked, rising.

“She was going to meet Savage.”

“You sure that’s a good idea?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I walked to the kitchen, Bones trailing me. “I’m hanging out with a biker. She can’t hang out with a biker?”

“Savage is…Savage.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what that means.”

“It means that if you don’t want Charlie to get hurt, you won’t let him near her.”

“Charlie won’t get hurt,” I assured him. I set the grocery bag onto the kitchen island and then went to fill the kettle with water. “And why are you warning Charlie away, but you’re not warning me away?”

“If you wanted to cut and run, you would.”

“We’re not even together,” I said in exasperation.

“We’re not?” He frowned. “How do you figure?”

“Because we barely know each other.”