Page 224 of Leather & Lies

“I never would’ve believed it,” I said with a laugh. “You want to keep her, don’t you?”

The dog yipped when we started driving and Bones let out a hiss. “Cat got scared and clawed me. Fuck that. This is definitely Lily’s kitten.”

“Easy come, easy go,” I said.

We drove to Darcy’s. Boxer and Doc had temporarily moved in after discussing it and concluded that the kids had gone through enough upheaval. They needed to stay in their home for a short while until they could come to grips with their new reality.

“I don’t know if I could do it,” Bones said as he parked on the street out front of the house.

“Do what?” I asked as I unbuckled my seat belt and clipped the dog’s leash to his collar.

“Do what Boxer and Doc are doing.”

“What? Raising someone else’s children?”

He shook his head. “Not that. I meant living in Darcy and Gray’s house.”

“Yeah. Well, we’re here to make it better,” I said.

When Bones made no move to get out of the car, I looked at him. He was staring at me with a tender expression across his brow.

“What?” I asked.

“Just thinking.”


“Your dad. I’m sorry I never got to meet him. But…”


“I have a suspicion you got the best parts of him. You’ve got a good heart, Hayden. I’m glad I got to marry you.”

Emotion filled my throat.

“Hold onto that dog, he’s gonna get excited,” he said gruffly.

Nodding, I waited for Bones to open my door. The moment it opened, the dog shot out with such force I nearly dropped the leash. Luckily, I was able to cling to it as we headed to the front door.

I rang the bell. Boxer answered the door. “Hey guys,” he greeted, a cheery smile across his face. His gaze lowered. “That’s a dog. You guys got a dog?”

The dog yelped in excitement, its tail still wagging furiously.

I looked at Bones and then back to Boxer. Before I could reply, Doc and Boxer’s yellow lab showed up at the door. He immediately lowered his front legs and stuck his butt in the air, his tail flapping with enthusiasm.

“I feel like I’ve seen this before,” Bones said to me.

I laughed. “You mind if we let him off leash?”

“Have at it,” Boxer said, stepping back.

I unclipped the dog and he immediately ran after Monk into the house.

“Come on in,” Boxer said, waving us forward.

We stepped into the house and followed him through the hallway to the kitchen. Lily and Cam were sitting at the table, their sandwiches in different states of completion.

Monk chased the white-haired mutt around the kitchen table until the mutt got to Cam and then he jumped up onto Cam’s lap and immediately began eating the crust off his plate.