Page 151 of Leather & Lies

The mood was solemn and quiet. Platters of food and bottles of alcohol were already set out. I guessed Jazz and Brielle had taken care of it, but they weren’t around. No doubt they were giving the club privacy.

“Church,” Colt announced.

Waverly and Sailor ushered the older kids toward the stairwell that led to the basement theater room. The women with toddler-aged children followed them downstairs.

Cam stared at the direction they were going. It was hard enough getting around flat ground on crutches, let alone taking the stairs.

“Need some help, buddy?” Boxer asked him quietly.

Cam nodded.

“I need my nursing blanket,” Brooklyn said to Slash. “Palmer’s getting fussy.”

“I’ll get it,” Slash said. “You go out to the shed and I’ll be there in a minute.”

Rach turned to the man who’d come to the funeral with her and handed her son to him. “This shouldn’t take long.”

He put the baby to his chest and held him.

“Tavy will keep you company,” Logan said. “Won’t you, Tavy?”

“I’ll keep your brother company,” Tavy said. “And help him with Cash.”

“You can change Cash’s dirty diaper,” the man said.

Tavy snorted. “No way. You’re courting Rach, you change her son’s diapers.”

Bones placed his hand at the small of my back and ushered me toward the backyard. The dainty clop of high heels was pierced only by the heavy clod of motorcycle boots.

Colt Weston, President of the Tarnished Angels, opened the door to a shed-like building and flipped on the light. The Old Ladies went in first and I was last. Before I could turn to ask Bones where I should sit, the door promptly shut.

“What the hell is going on?” Mia demanded.

“You’re not coming out until you guys talk,” Colt shot back.

Joni marched to the door and pounded on the wood. “Zip! Let us out!”

“Prez is right,” her husband replied through the door. “If you don’t make amends, the club is finished.”

“Brooklyn,” Allison cried. “What are you doing?”

Brooklyn raised her brows. “I’m sitting down so I can nurse my daughter. She’s got a set of lungs on her and I know there’s about to be a lot of yelling. At least with her, I can put a cork in it.”

“My morning sickness is becoming afternoon sickness,” Willa yelled at the door. “You really want me to throw up in here? Duke? Answer me!”

“There’s a bucket in the corner for you, babe,” Duke called back. “I suggest you use it.”

“There are bottles of water for everyone in the cooler,” Smoke said. “Along with deli meat.”

“Hayden’s a pescatarian.” Sutton looked at me and then called through the door. “You didn’t think about that, did you?”

“There’s cut up carrots and celery, cheese, and apples,” Bones said.

“You knew about this?” I snapped.

“Damn right I knew about it,” Bones replied. “It was my fucking idea.”

“I’m going to murder you,” I seethed.