“Can I have both? But can you be gentle? I’m feeling kind of fragile right now.”
“Fragile? Says the girl who poured concrete down his pipes.” He flashed a grin. “I can’t believe you did that. That was ballsy as fuck.”
I bit my lip, but it didn’t stifle my grin. “For once in my life, I said fuck the high road.”
“The high road is bullshit.”
“I’m starting to agree with that line of thinking.”
“Getting back to your question.” He sighed. “It’s really simple, actually.”
“It is?”
“Yeah. Men cheat because they can, and because they want to. Doesn’t matter what they have at home. If there’s available pussy, and if it’s easy to get, sex is just sex for them. Nothing more.”
“Nice.” I rolled my eyes. “I appreciate the vulgarity of your language.”
“Do you?
He laughed, but then sobered. “I know women want to rationalize the behavior somehow. But the truth is, it’s not complicated. Men aren’t complicated. They’re just walking hormones with dicks.”
“So basically, you’re telling me that no matter how good or bad my relationship is, a man is going to cheat on me.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Then I’m confused.”
“Women cheat too, you know.”
“Yeah, I know that.”
“Does that mean all women are cheaters? No matter how good they have it at home?”
“We’re not talking about women; we’re talking about men.”
“Not all men are cheaters, but those that are cheaters, do it for uncomplicated reasons. Sex is sex. End of story.”
I glared at him. “You’re ruining my appetite.”
“You asked.”
“And this is what you’d tell Tavy?”
“Yeah, this is what I’d tell Tavy. If she ever asked my opinion on the subject. And for the record, I know what it’s like being cheated on. I know how bad it stings. The betrayal. The lies. The trust that breaks. It’s what broke up me and Leslie.”
I blinked. “Tavy’s mom cheated on you?”
“Yep. I was working two jobs, we were fighting all the time when I was home, and Tavy was a colicky baby.” He shrugged.
“Tavy never told me that,” I said quietly.
“I don’t know if she even knows that’s why we eventually split. It was the nail in the coffin for her mom and me, but I definitely didn’t tell Tavy about it. Not even when she was old enough to hear it.”
“Why not?” I asked softly. “Why didn’t you tell her?”
“Because that shit was between me and her mom. It had nothing to do with her.”