Page 54 of Healing Hearts

“You know, I thought somebody might’ve stolen some of our stuff,” Cary said. “That’s why we were kinda wary when you approached us. We’ve been here since Saturday, and everything was fine. But then I couldn’t find a blanket we left out after we sat outside one evening.”

“A blanket?” Amanda questioned.

“And a beach towel.” Cary nodded. “Also, our friends, at the next spot, said they must’ve forgotten an entire bag of groceries at the store. But they swore they’d put in the car. They brought in their supplies, but when they came back out to get the rest, one bag was missing. It was only a loaf of bread, jars of peanut butter and jelly, and some snacks in the bag. But they had to go back out to get more because those are the only things their son will eat right now.”

Amanda looked at Gene with hope in her eyes.

“Where is your friend’s spot?” Gene asked the couple.

“Just around this curve,” the dad said.

“Thank you.” Amanda grabbed the mom’s hand and squeezed it.

“Do you think it’s this girl? And she’s hiding?” Cary asked, concerned, like any mother would. “It gets kinda spooky in the woods at night. What kind of trouble is she in that she’d rather hide there?”

“That’s what I’d like to find out,” Amanda said, with a renewed determination etched on her face.

“This could be the lead we’ve been waiting for,” Amanda said as they hurried to the next RV. Her blood was pumping with adrenaline after their conversation with Cary and her husband, Lucas. Even Loki seemed to get a burst of energy in his paws.

“Maybe.” Gene’s reply was more restrained than her bubbling excitement.

Amanda turned to look at him. “You don’t think it is?”

“We have vagabonds like any other place. It could be anyone,” he cautioned. “I just don’t want you to be disappointed if it isn’t her.”

“I got a good feeling about this.”

She did, even if she couldn’t explain why or how.

“Do you always trust your gut feelings?”

Amanda didn’t even hesitate. “Yes.”

Like I know you’re a good man from the moment I met you. Like I know you should stay.

But Amanda didn’t say it out loud. Gene needed to figure it out for himself.

Gene held her arm to slow her down.

“Amanda, I think we need to be realistic here and manage our expectations.”

She stopped and turned to him. Loki yelped at the delay.

“It might be something, it might be not. I know that. Don’t worry about me. I know you tend to be cautious and make sure things line up before you decide on anything. It’s your training. But trust me on this. My feelings are never wrong.”

His left brow rose in amusement. “Maybe you should’ve gone the law enforcement route instead of baking.”

“And deprive people of my delicious treats?”

She threw him a side smile as she resumed walking.

They got to the next space where a shiny Airstream was parked. Gene whistled his admiration at the sleek silver trailer.

“That is nice,” he said.

Amanda gave him a surprised glance. “I didn’t think you’d be into trailers, Doc.”

“I’m not, but I can appreciate a beauty when I see one,” he said as they rounded the front end of the RV toward the side door.