Page 41 of Healing Hearts

“You remember enough details about the girl for a sketch?” Jo sounded doubtful. “You saw this girl for like a second at most.”

“You don’t understand. It was like we were frozen in time, and the details became clearer to me each day.”

Liam came to the table with their order.

“Did you really see the lady in the blue dress, Amanda?” he chimed in excitedly, catching bits of their conversation.

Amanda groaned. “No, I didn’t. I saw a real girl.”

“But everybody said you saw the—”

“Who’s everybody?” Amanda frowned at him.

Looking sheepish, Liam scratched his head.

“Kids at school. Some know I work here and wanted me to confirm the rumor.”

Peeved, Amanda tried to understand the teenagers’ curiosity. Then another idea popped into her head.

“No, it’s not true. But maybe you and your friends can help me find this girl,” Amanda said.


“Maybe you’ve seen her around. She might go to your school. She looks a bit younger than you. A freshman, maybe.” Amanda pictured the girl in her mind. “She has darkish blonde hair, brown eyes, a widow’s peak, round shaped face, full cheeks. She looked like a healthy teenage girl, except for the eyes. They looked terrified.”

Liam stared at her uncertainly. “I don’t know, Amanda. I don’t really pay attention to the freshmen.”

“Maybe you don’t. But one of your friends might recognize that description,” Amanda said. “Can you please ask your friends? I just want to make sure she’s all right.”

Jo sat back and nodded at Liam. “It’s not a bad idea.”

Liam shrugged. “I’ll get the word out.”

Gene took a fortifying breath and pushed open the door to Sanctuary. He’d dove into work on multiple trauma victims with more confidence than he had about facing Amanda after the debacle last night. Why was he nervous about talking to a woman? Maybe because patients usually wanted his help. Amanda would probably tell him to go to hell.

At least she can’t slam a door in my face here.

The chime of a bell connected to the door automatically sent eyes toward the newcomer. Most of them turned their attention back to whatever they were doing, while a couple followed Gene as he approached the cafe counter.

A tall boy who looked about seventeen stood behind the register. He greeted Gene with a smile. “Hi, what can I get you?”

Gene didn’t exactly come for baked goods but looked over at the selections, anyway. The sight of the banana cream pie made him salivate. It reminded him of last night and Amanda’s delectable taste on his tongue.

“Do you have a whole banana cream pie? I’d like one to go, please,” Gene decided.

“I think we do, but let me check in the back,” the boy replied.

But before he left, Gene stopped him. “Is Amanda around? Can you also ask her to come out, please?”

“Ah, sure. Who’s asking?”

“Gene,” he said.

The boy narrowed his eyes at him. “Are you that doctor everybody says saved Amanda’s life?”

Gene simply said, “I’m Dr. Rowland.”

“Cool.” The boy nodded with some kind of approval. “Be right back.”