Page 57 of Healing Hearts

“They needed food. She said the food she brought ran out, and her brother was starving.”

“Have you seen the brother?” Gene asked.

Stella shook her head. “But I think he’s younger.”

“Stella, you did the right thing telling us about Mona.” Amanda covered Stella’s hand. “Thank you.”


“Yes, we asked Stella to tell her parents if Mona shows up and to ask her not to hide again,” Amanda said to Patrick on the phone.

They’d made it back to the car just before the rain hit, and Amanda made the call before Gene even started the engine. He could feel her bubbling excitement. She could barely sit still in her seat as she spoke.

“No, she didn’t know Mona’s last name, but we now know we’re looking for two children,” she replied to whatever Patrick said. “How do we find them, Patrick? Can we establish a search party? How do we go about doing that?”

Her nose scrunched with worry as she listened to his answer. He wondered what Patrick said that made Amanda upset.

Thank goodness the storm had blown north of them, and they were only experiencing a bit of rain. It would be extra dangerous for those kids if the storm had hit them.

“Stella thinks they have a tent, but we don’t know that for sure,” she said. “They’re out there in the dark woods, wet and scared.”

After a pause, she replied in a resigned tone, “I understand. No, I do. Please let me know as soon as you can. I’d appreciate it. Thanks.”

Amanda hung up and fell back against her seat with an exaggerated sigh.

“What did Patrick say?” Gene asked.

“He’ll need to verify Stella’s story himself and write an official report before he can request a search party. And so far, this entire case has been unofficial based on my story.”

Gene understood Amanda’s frustration, but also Patrick’s limitation.

She gestured to the rain. “Mona and her brother are out there in this.”

“I know,” Gene agreed. “But we can’t search in the dark, either. We’ll risk injuries and getting lost, too.”

Amanda didn’t respond, but she knew he was right.

“Listen, at least the storm missed us,” he added. “So far, based on what we’ve learned from Stella, Mona seemed to have planned on hiding. She brought supplies. Let’s hope it includes a tent and portable lights. And it sounded like the food Stella gave her should last them for at least another day. Mona sounds smart. I bet she picked this place because it has access to water and bathroom facilities. There are also plenty of pavilions they could seek shelter under.”

“You’re assuming a lot about a fifteen-year-old,” Amanda said. “She’s old enough to know basic safety.” He nodded. “Mona is also an older sister who, I’m guessing, is protecting her younger brother. She’ll make sure they’re safe.”

Gene was the oldest out of three children. Always having to be the responsible one hadn’t been fun, but he took it seriously. If push came to shove, he’d do anything to protect his brother and sister. Taking an example from Amanda, he had a gut feeling Mona would do the same.

“I hope so,” Amanda said. “Patrick will let us know when he gets the green light for an assist from the K-9 unit to do a search.”

Gene reached for her hand and squeezed. “That’s good. Even if we don’t get the K-9, you and I will return tomorrow and look for them.”

Amanda nodded and turned her hand so they were palm-to-palm and returned his squeeze.

“We’ll find them, one way or another.”

They picked up a pizza before they drove back to Amanda’s duplex. By the time they got there, her mood seemed to have perked back up.

“Run for it,” Gene said. “Go. I’ve got the pizza.”

The three of them dashed for the porch. Though it wasn’t a storm with strong gusts, it was still a pour.

“Don’t let the pizza get wet!”