Page 33 of Healing Hearts

Her core burned, tightening around him as he changed up the rhythm. Her breathing came in audible pants, her shoulders tensed when a third finger joined the first two. He pulled out just to drive in deeper and faster. Knowing she was close, Gene focused his attention just where she wanted him. Steady and insistent, needing her climax as much as she did.

“Oh,” Amanda cried. “God!”

Her face, flushed in ecstasy, was the most beautiful thing Gene had witnessed for the longest time.

He smiled big. “Atta girl.”

Heart racing, breath suspended, muscles taut, Amanda saw the end of the tunnel.

“Come for me, Amanda,” Gene told her as he hit that right spot again and again and propelled her toward the finish line.

Oh, man. Here it comes.

Amanda cried out as her body went rigid at that momentous second before her whole being convulsed and fell into Gene’s arms. She gasped in a breath, filling her deprived lungs. With the fresh oxygen running back through her bloodstream, her brain function returned slowly.

What the hell just happened? Did I just come that hard on Gene’s fingers?

If she wasn’t flushed all over, she would’ve blushed profusely. She’d abandoned all sense of propriety and let a man she’d essentially only known for three days to finger screw her. In her place of business!

I have no regrets, though.

“Atta girl,” Gene whispered in her ear. She could hear the smile in his voice. The teasing line sent a new set of shudders through her body.

“You okay?” he asked as he slowly pulled his hand from her wetness, moved her underwear back into place, and gave her mound a soothing caress before leaving her.

Amanda was still catching her breath and unsure how to answer him.

I’m swell. Just perfect. I need to lie down, though.

She finally whispered, “You might’ve given me a heart attack.”

Gene stepped back so he could see her face. The automatic concern on his face was comical, but he quickly realized her lame joke. He laid his hand over her still racing heart.

“Your heart feels healthy and young,” he quipped. “But I should probably give you mouth-to-mouth.”

“You better, yeah. Just to be safe.” Amanda reeled him back to her for a kiss. A gentle kiss this time, the type to calm and ease the roaring blood.

“All better?” Gene asked when they broke away.

Though her legs still felt like liquid, Amanda felt more in control of her body now. She nodded and eased back to lean on the prep table, her eyes never leaving Gene’s face.

“Well, that kinda went out of hand, huh?” Amanda chuckled.

The half-smile on Gene’s face was what Amanda imagined a cat who got the cream would sport.

“On the contrary, I had it in hand.” He lifted said hand to his lips and slid the middle digit into his mouth.

Amanda’s lips fell open as she watched him taste her essence.

“Sweet with just a touch of tang and salt,” he said with a wink.

Her calming heart started palpitating again.

Down, girl.

She quickly looked away from his self-satisfied grin. She would never get a hold of herself if he kept looking at her that way.

“Are you getting shy on me?” Gene teased.